The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019 Nov issue Villager | Page 12

12 THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER November 2019 THANK YOU VETERANS By CLARA HOWELL Charbonneau veterans look back on wartime service Night raids over Japan Every two minutes a B-29 Superfor- tress departed on a mission to bomb Japanese oil refineries. Charbonneau resident Dale Long, 97, flew in five missions as part of stra- tegic bombing raids from June to Au- gust of 1945 to obliterate Japan’s oil re- sources. Long served in the United States Ar- my Air Forces in WWII from 1942-46 and completed three years of navigator and air gunner training, though his po- sition was a navigator. He entered the U.S. Army Officers Reserve Corps in 1946. During WWII, Long became a second lieutenant and flew in the 315th Bom- bardment Wing, 357th Bombardment Squadron, 331st Bombardment Group as part of a 10-member crew. Long entered the Army in 1942 and trained in many different areas, includ- ing Texas and Nebraska, where he trained with the new B-29 bombers — and met Vivie, the love of his life. When Long was deployed from Ne- braska in 1945 and was sent on his first bombing mission as a navigator, Long said he felt antsy. “It really bothered me,” he said. But after the first mission finished and he’d been shot at a few times, he re- laxed: “I lived. That was about the end of it (and) it didn’t bother me anymore.” The B-29 planes’ undersides were painted black so aircraft searchlights couldn’t locate them. Long remembers a near-aerial collision during one of his crew’s missions. Long told the pilot to look out of the window. A Japanese plane was un- aware of the B-29 and flew only 50 feet away, right in front of the crew’s plane. Long remembers seeing the faces of the PMG PHOTOS: JONATHAN HOUSE World War II veteran Dale Long. men in the other plane. The last mission Long went on was to bomb an oil refinery in Akita Prefec- ture. Once the mission was complete, his crew was told to head back — the war was over. Before Long was discharged he went on two last missions for a supply drop in Japan. During his service, Long’s crew re- ceived an Air Medal from President Harry Truman. Long’s awards also in- cluded an American Theater Service Medal and an Asiatic Pacific Service Medal with two bronze stars. Despite his wartime activities, the Oregon native’s real pride and joy was his late wife, Vivie. Long said he never asked Vivie to marry him, but instead he asked her to wait until the war was over because he didn’t want her to become a widow. Though it took him a year to get home after the war because there weren’t enough ships to bring the troops home from overseas, he eventu- ally married Vivie in Texas, just days after being discharged from the Army Air Forces in Fort Lewis, Washington. He and Vivie were married for 71 years and together they had two chil- dren, Marise and John. “It’s an honor to have a father who is still with us, who served in World War ll and it’s fun to hear him tell about his recollections of that time,” Marise said. World War II veteran Dale Long with a photo of his flight crew. World War II veteran Dale Long kept various knick knacks from his time in the military. World War II veteran Dale Long. A photo of World War II veteran Dale Long with his late wife Vivie. Long grew up in Lebanon, Oregon on his family’s farm and after the war he attended the University of Oregon to become an architect. (Long had origi- nally attended Oregon State University for two years to study chemistry prior to being drafted into the war). Both of Long’s children were born in Oregon. Long worked in various archi- tectural firms throughout the country before moving his family to Tacoma, en- tering into his own architectural busi- ness, Home Designers Inc. Vivie worked alongside him as his secretary, running the business side of the company. Long moved to Charbonneau in 1991 and designed his Charbonneau home for he and his wife. “I was pretty much on my own. I liked that,” Long said of his career, add- ing that he understood how to design a home so the furniture fit in beautifully. “I was good at that.” Vivie died in 2017, but Long remains in his home that he said his wife loved dearly.