The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019 July issue Villager Newspaper | Page 8

8 THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER Charbonneau Forum: Dementia By LEONARD ZUCKER Educate yourself about dementia in all of its forms There are almost 50 million peo- ple living with dementia, according to the World Health Organization. While dementia, senility and Al- zheimers are used interchangeably, there are differences amongst them. This disease has had a very Charbonneau Arts Association By ERIC HOEM Charbonneau Arts Association hits “refresh” We have a new lo- go for the 2019 Char- bonneau Arts Festi- val. Every few years we try to refresh our look. Our new de- HOEM sign was created by Charbonneau resi- dent and photographer Elaine Swyt, who used a blast of color to drama- tize our theme. Oregon Cultural Trust Eligible as a 501(c)(3)nonprofit, the Charbonneau Arts Association has July 2019 negative impact on both the patient, his or her family and friends. Do you sometimes forget where you put your keys or parked your car or you ran up the stairs and when you got there, you couldn’t remember why you ran up the stairs? What is hap- pening? Why can’t I remember? Do I have Alzheimer’s? What will happen to me? We all should be concerned. The tales of family and friends paint a very scary picture. There are no cures for Alzheimers. Some forms of demen- tia can be slowed with treatment and some forms cannot. At the end of the day, being concerned is warranted. What can you do? We should get educated and get informed. We all need information to help us deal with this debilitating disease. The Forum has invited experts to discuss and share information to help you understand this disease. The Fo- rum speakers are from The Alzheim- ers Association and SpringRidge Court at Charbonneau. From the beginning, the Forum’s in- tention was to provide information to our community on matters that im- pact the lives of our residents and their families. Periodically, we present information that is less personal, but this is a subject about which most of us will need more information and di- rection. The subjects to be discussed are: joined the Oregon Cultural Trust pro- gram. For our organization, it means that we can apply for grant money to support our work furthering public art education programs. For our donors, it means that they can participate in the Oregon Cultural Trust programs of tax credits. Let’s say that you contribute $100 to the Charbonneau Arts Association. If you then donate $100 to the Oregon cultural Trust, you can get a $100 credit on your Oregon income tax. Your donation to the Oregon Cultural Trust is virtually cost free and the contribution supports nonprofit cul- tural programs throughout the state: theater, dance, Oregon history and, of course, art programs like ours. For more information, go to www.Cultur-” Donations to the Charbonneau Arts Association can be made online at” www. Contributions can also be mailed to us at P.O. Box 1313, Wilsonville, OR. 97070. Please write “donation” in the memo space on your check. We will recognize your generosity on our website. Call To Artists & Artisans Registration is now open for artists and artisans who want to participate in this year’s festival, which will be Nov. 1, 2 and 3. Up to 40 artists will display their painting, photography, or sculpture in the Fireplace Room at our clubhouse. This year’s artists will have the option of being able to sell their wrapped art and/or greeting cards. As in the past, registration forms for artists are also available in the coatroom of the CCC office. Up to 30 artisans can register for a booth to sell their handcrafted items in our dining room and card room. Registration details for artists and artisans can be found on our website. The deadline is Oct. 4, 2019. Jewelry ADVERTISE IN THE VILLAGER! VIL LAG ER VOL. 42, NO. 2 Q FEBRUARY Q CHARBONNEAU, OREGON 2019 2019 Sponsors Lining Up As of the deadline for this article, many sponsors had made their dona- tions in support of our 2019 Charbon- neau Arts Festival. At the PLATINUM level: Wilsonville SUBARU. At the SILVER level: Parker Johnstone’s Wilsonville HONDA; Roof Masters, Canby. At the BRONZE level: Amy Costello, Windermere Real Estate, Charbonneau; Robert Bennett, CPA, Wilsonville; Canby Ford; Martin’s Town & Country Furniture, Canby; Jay Puppo, State Farm Ins., Wilson- ville; and Dr. Michael Lorio, Town Center Dental, Wilsonville. In addi- tion, our in-kind donors and partners include: Cutsforth Market, Canby; Tom’s Wilsonville Catering, Wilson- ville; Mediaphysics, Wilsonville; The Charbonneau Villager; and Charbon- Contact Jesse Marichalar Thank you, Cindy! — Page 10 971-204-7774 Singles club goes all female — Page 15 Changes for board nominations With love in their hearts — Page 6 artisans, however, need to register by Aug. 30, 2019, and will be juried. ͟͢͝͞͡”„‘” Ž‡‘‘’— SOLD PRSRT. STD. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Inside the Villager Published by July 9, 6 p.m. Country Club Dining Room 7060 Molalla Bend Rd— ͊ͣ͜͠ǡ͜͜͜ ‡‡Žˆ”‡‡–‘…ƒŽŽ‡ — ™‘—Ž†„‡Šƒ’’›–‘‡‡–™‹–Š›‘—Ǩ — Page 2 Plus Event Calendar, all club reports and more! Charbonneau Forum 7060 Bend Point— Rd - $470,000 32185 Molalla East Lake ͊ͥ͡͝ǡ͜͜͜ 32185 East Lake Point - Pending ͣ͠͝͝ƒ‡Ž—ơ‘—”–— SOLD 31650 Arbor Glen Loop - $597,000 GRESHAM, OR PERMIT NO. 32 New year, new management — Page 8 ■ Age-related Memory Loss vs. Dementia ■ Impact on Patient and Family Social time starts at 6 p.m. in the Country Club Dining Room. Join us for wine, beverages and snacks. Speaker presentations start at 6:30 p.m. There will be a question and an- swer period following the speaker pre- sentations. For more information, call Len Zucker at 503-694-5843. 7 ^ ^[ [f[ fWf W DW 7^ D W WS S^ S ^ ^f f fk k 9 9d d da a ag gb g b Reach every resident in Charbonneau. CHARBONNEAU ■ Dementia, Alzheimers and Senili- ty JON HOUSE PAMPLIN MEDIA GROUP PHOTO: [email protected] 6KHULH6WDU ”‡‰‘‹…‡•‡†”‘‡” 503-260-͟͞͡͠‡ŽŽȀ‡š– Š‡”‹‡–ƒ” . ‡ƒŽ–‘” @ ‰ƒ‹Ž . …‘