The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019 July issue Villager Newspaper | Page 5

THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER 5 July 2019 City supports Boone Bridge legislation By CITY OF WILSONVILLE Concept would add an extra lane from south Wilsonville to Charbonneau exit T he City of Wilsonville is working with the Oregon Department of Transporta- tion (ODOT) and elected of- ficials to advance legislation that would fund a critical first step to- ward completing traffic improve- ments and seismic upgrades to the I-5 Boone Bridge over the Willa- mette River. Introduced by Sen. Alan Olsen of Canby and amended by Rep. Courtney Neron of Wilsonville, Senate Bill 1021- 1 would provide $3.5 million to ODOT for preliminary engineering and de- sign to develop the “I-5 Wilsonville PMG FILE PHOTO Legislation would fund a critical first step toward completing traffic improvements and seismic upgrades to the I-5 Boone Bridge. Facility Plan.” The project, adopted by ODOT in July 2018, recommends a new I-5 southbound ramp-to-ramp auxiliary lane from Exit 283 to Exit 282A and seismically upgrades the Boone Bridge to withstand a Cascadia 9.0 earthquake. At a May 20 work session, the Joint Transportation Committee unani- Fre e Residential Decks Tas t ing s E ver y aurora colony 9LQH\DUGV mously provided SB 1021-1 with a “Do-Pass” recommendation and re- ferred the bill to the Joint Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Transportation and Economic Devel- opment. Currently, SB 1021-1 does not have a hearing scheduled before the Joint Committee on Ways and Means. Wilsonville Mayor Tim Knapp testi- fied before the Joint Transportation Committee on May 15 in support of SB 1021-1. Knapp said that while the I-5 Boone Bridge carries nearly as many vehicles as the I-5 “Columbia River Crossing” Interstate Bridge linking Oregon and Washington, it carries one-third more semi-trucks. A southbound ramp-to-ramp auxilia- ry lane would reduce slow-downs, acci- dents, commute times and costly freight delay by providing more space for driv- ers to safely merge. The auxiliary lane would also allow local traffic entering from Wilsonville Road to exit without merging at Charbonneau (282B) or onto State Highway 551 (282A), an Oregon Route 99E connector that serves Canby, Molalla and Woodburn. The $3.5 million appropriated by SB 1021-1 would facilitate ODOT’s under- taking of preliminary engineering and design to yield a firm cost estimate and position the state to leverage federal highway funding; the total project cost is estimated at $120 million. For further information on the sta- tus of the proposed legislation and supporting materials, visit ci.wilson- Da y! • New or Replacement • Cover cracked or damaged concrete patios • Multiple options for long life, easy care aluminum railing (Pickets, Glass or Cable, Infill) Specialize in using "Trex" composite decking and trim. #1 composite decking with a 25 year warranty. Easy to clean/non skid/attractive color selection. AURORA Visit and enjoy... Handcrafted Estate Wine Weekly Live Music Chef-Prepared Food D.W. Woodworking INC Local since 1989 with over 700 jobs completed 21338 Oak Lane NE, Aurora Conveniently located just south of the Aurora Airport 503-678-3390 Tasting Room & Restaurant Hours Tues - Sat, Noon - 8pm & Sun, Noon - 6pm Derek Hart - 503.705.4985 Email: [email protected] • Website: Always free consultation & estimate BB#104432