The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019 July issue Villager Newspaper | Page 19

THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER 19 July 2019 Charbonneau Women’s Association By ANNE SHEVLIN Saying farewell to the prior board, welcoming the new one As we ease into summer, you may think the CWA takes a summer vacation, when truly we do not. Our programs VP’s SHEVLIN are busy seeking out interesting and enter- taining speakers for our luncheons. Our membership co-chairs continue to welcome new Charbonneau resi- dents to our community and send out invitations to join the CWA. We will have a table at the Charbonneau Community Information Day at the Clubhouse Tuesday, Aug. 20. Be sure COURTESY PHOTOS The 2019-2020 CWA Board. The 2018-2019 CWA Board of Directors. to stop by and meet some of our new board members. We do not hold lun- cheons during the summer months, so please look for upcoming an- nouncements regarding our next event on Sept. 9. We held our Transition’s Luncheon Monday, June 10, where we said fare- well to the outgoing board members and welcome to the new 2019-2020 board. Small gifts were presented to the members as a token of appreciation from co-presidents Lee Harker and Anne Shevlin. A delicious lunch was CHARBONNEAU VI LL AG ER VOL. 42, NO. 2 Q FEBRUARY Q CHARBONNEA U, OREGON 2019 PRSRT. STD. U.S. POSTAGE PAID GRESHAM, OR PERMIT NO. 32 served at SpringRidge and upcoming plans were discussed. Catering contin- ues to be an important topic and any changes will be communicated to the membership. Before this article goes to print, the “Sip ‘N Shop” event will have taken place at Soft Surroundings in Bridge- port. This is an exclusive shopping op- porotunity held just for Charbonneau women and their friends. Sign-up for this activity occurred at the end of the May Fashion Show. Attendees enjoyed mimosas and pastries while they re- ceived personal shopping assistance from Soft Surroundings associates. Free mini makeovers and an esthetician were part of the fun shopping experience. As we look back over the 2018-2019 year, we know our membership contin- ues to grow. Our monthly programs have been well attended and we re- ceived positive feedback regarding our speakers and our luncheons. The annu- al Holiday Brunch and May Fashion Shows were sell-outs, as is common. See WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION / Page 22 Enjoy Your Independence with a Great Driving / Running Car Inside the Villager New year, new management — Page 2 Independence Day Coupon Thank you, Cindy! — Page 10 Singles club goes all female — Page 15 Changes for board nominations — Page 8 Plus Event Calendar, all club reports and more! Published by Anne Villella Attorney at Law Kit Taylor Attorney at Law Attorneys Anne Villella and Kit Taylor serve clients seeking help with trusts, wills, estate planning, and probate. We treat our clients how we would want to be treated. 503-639-6176 [email protected] Call for an Appointment KING CITY PROFESSIONAL CENTER TIGARD, OREGON 15% OFF With love in their hearts — Page 6 Off Any Service *Max $50 Expires July 31, 2019 JON HOUSE PAMPLIN MEDIA GROUP PHOTO: ADVERTISE IN THE VILLAGER! Reach every resident in Charbonneau. Contact Jesse Marichalar 971-204-7774 [email protected] Serving Wilsonville For Over 25 Years 30775-D SW Boones Ferry Rd, Wilsonville, OR 97070 503-682-8522