The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019 July issue Villager Newspaper | Page 18

18 THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER July 2019 Charbonneau Homeowner’s Association By JAN LANDIS Please watch your speeds on our streets LANDIS Happy July! Wow it seems like the year is just zipping by. When the sun is out in Ore- gon, we try to get as many activities in as possible. To give you a reason to slow down, you might want to check out the new benches at the CHOA putting green. It’s a great place to take the grandkids to enjoy “golf” away from the more serious golfers. In an effort, to encourage you to slow down on our streets, you may notice speed reader boards on Fairway Drive and Boones Bend Road. Yes, the speed limit is 25 mph in residential areas, but really with our narrow streets and ma- ny walkers, it may be beneficial to all for safety to slow down to 15 mph. In the Louvonne area they have found that the speed is better at 15 mph. In CHOA, with the city’s help, we are try- ing to determine the volume of cars and New benches were built at the CHOA putting green. the speed that works for safety. COURTESY PHOTO ARTIST HIGHLIGHTS ACRYLIC PAINTINGS, METAL ART FORMS Jeannie Brandstrom is July artist of the month J eannie Brandstrom is Charbonneau Country Club’s artist of the month for Ju- ly. She took lesssons from Bob Marlieb in Charbon- neau for years and has an eye for art and design — whether its in her garden, her wardrobe or her acrylic paintings. “The result of my lessons and my understanding of pre- senting my work in the best light is I have concentrated on animals of all varieties. I have also been employing the use of the new form of metal in art presentations,” she says. Jeannie’s art will be on display in the clubhouse through July. G ood N ews T ree S ervice, Inc. Call Nathan today! 503/ COURTESY PHOTOS Jeannie Brandstrom is the July artist of the month. One of Jeannie Brandstrom’s pieces on display. State of Oregon CCB #194072 Jeannie Brandstrom’s artwork will be in the clubhouse through July. BUY MORE SAVE MORE 789-9881 Tree & Shrub Pruning & Removals Spraying & Deep-Root Fertilization Stump Grinding & More... 24403 S Hwy 99E. Canby 503-266-4095