The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019 July issue Villager Newspaper | Page 16

16 THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER July 2019 for this year. Mark your calendar for these upcoming dates in July and Au- gust. See the website GOLF menu for MAJOR EVENTS CALENDAR for more ■ From Page 14 details on flyers downloaded at ■ July 4: Independence Day Couples Nine-Hole Activities Golf Our club’s members have a choice ■ July 13: Guest Day event for each day between playing 9 holes, 18 18-holes holes, or even 27 holes. Over the past ■ July 17: Men’s Night Out. Golf and few years, there has been an increase in Dinner the planned 9-hole golf and social ■ July 27: The 27-Hole Match Play events. The regular play days for Tournament 9-holes is now two days per week (i.e. ■ Aug. 1-2: Invitational Tournament Wednesday and Fridays) compared to a ■ Aug. 7: 9-Hole Guest Day single Wednesday each week. The pop- ■ Aug. 24-25: 18-hole Club Champion- ularity of the 9-hole member guest day ship Tournament has also increased. This year there is a Sign-up sheets for events are usually 9-Hole Guest Day planned for Aug. 7. available about two weeks prior to the Members and their guest are invited to event day. Remember, guests must play in a 9-hole scramble with BBQ have a GHIN handicap (see Chris lunch by Busters on the patio. Bring Bensel at least one week prior to play- your wife, son, daughter, grandchil- ing) or play with a zero handicap. dren, or find a foursome among your friends. August is usually a good weath- Major Golf Events and Results er month so it should be a great day to ■ May 18 & 19, Spring Handicap Two- play golf. Golf will be fun. Food will be day Tournament - Ford Morishita over- good. And the good will be good too! all winner, Tom Taylor 1st flight win- ■ Four-person scramble with a twist ■ Starts at 9:30 a.m. for golf, followed ner, Dave Massing 2nd flight winner, Bill Shevlin, Alan Southwell, and Mark by lunch at 11:30 a.m., BYOB ■ Cost is $25 for lunch and prize mon- Willet tied for 3rd flight winners. ■ May 27, Memorial Day Couples ey payout Event - Winning Team was Ford Morishi- ■ Golf fees and cart fees are extra ta, Karen Pyrch, Bob Saito, Linda Saito ■ Cost $20 for lunch only (no golf) ■ Most Improved Golfer Status Due to feedback and growing level of Mark Your Calendar interest from several members, we have Check the website GOLF menu for a complete list of major events scheduled posted the complete list of 200 members Men’s Club Wilsonville Council approves 10-acre land transfer By CITY OF WILSONVILLE “Single Source Electrical Solutions” 17937 SW McEwan RD Ste 200A Tualatin, OR E-mail: offi [email protected] Merged with Lighthouse Electric and continuing with their same great service. 503-582-9600 Golf Poetry From time to time, members send me interesting golf related materi- als, including some fun and mean- ingful poetry, too. Your sugges- tions or original poems and haikus are always welcome. I thought of this one the other day when our team foursome put four balls into the lake on yellow #7. GOLF Some might say that God had a plan For every other woman, child and man, To grab a club and hurry, hurry Onto the green no later than early. To hit little balls into the air. Where do they fall? Somewhere out there. ‘Twas Babe, Palmer, The Bear, and Ben. Now Tiger’s throngs are puttin’ to win. I know not why it rules their souls, This little ball.. this little hole.. In short, I’m wet.. I stand ashake. My favorite ball fell in the lake. ~ by H. H. Rutledge Charbonneau Cup Leaderboard The season-long competition for the most improved golfer is underway. Points are accumulated for participa- tion and additional points for the Top 5 placements. Here are the current Top 10 members points standings, as of June 10, 2019. Check the website under the GOLF menu for a complete list of members and more information. Players Points Morishita, Ford 1250 Schindler, Andy 1100 Martin, Terry 1060 Oberg, Jim 1050 Massing, Dave 920 Meyers, John 900 Gibbons, Jim 850 Shevlin, Bill 846 Taylor, Tom 760 Harp, Gene 670 At the May 20 meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the council accepted the transfer of 10 acres of property from West Linn- Wilsonville School District to • Panel Changes • Hot tubs • Remodels • Generators • Lighting Additions 503-780-6207 that are on the report, whether they im- proved or not. The season-long competi- tion for the most improved golfer compe- tition started Oct. 1, 2018. Here are the current Top 10 member standings, as of June 1, 2019. Check the website under the GOLF menu for more information. 1- Ken Sutton (32.1 down to 26.5) 2- Steve Switzer (24.2 down to 20.4) 3- Garry Heinke (19.1 down to 16.5) 4- Gene Harp (6.3 down to 4.8) 5- Brad Werth (14.0 down to 11.9) 6- Max Jetton (20.6 down to 18.2) 7- Bob Curran (19.0 down to 16.8) 8- John Lagood (24.4 down to 21.9) 9- Joe Comella (23.1 down to 20.8) 10- Carl Hanacek (11.7 down to 10.2) Golf Haiku Golf ball never lost It lies flies spins rolls and hides Now it waits for me ~ John McLain fulfill a 2010 agreement between the City and School District. The property, located adjacent to the new Meridian Creek Middle School in the future Frog Pond South neighborhood, is for develop- ment of a future park and/or sports fields as described in the 2018 Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Master Plan. ➤ Canby’s Premier Location for Family Fitness 365 S Redwood St. Canby, Or 97018 503-266-6166 Summer Deals 3 Months ONLY $99 No frills pay in full plan, details apply. Exp 7-31-19