The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019 July issue Villager Newspaper | Page 15

THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER 15 July 2019 ■ Beginning Sunday, July 7, and con- tinuing for five more Sundays (until Aug. 11), from 1:30-3 p.m. (4 p.m. on film days), join us for a six-session class cel- By GREG MARTIN ebrating the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11’s historic lunar landing through clas- sic space stories in books and films. The class is free, but seating is limited, so sign up at the Circulation Desk to re- serve your seat! ■ On Tuesday, July 9, at 6 p.m., our Great Books Discussion Group gathers. Happy July to all Are you interested in philosophy and and sundry! Here’s the big questions of life? Join us each hoping you have a month for a roundtable discussion of marvelous Fourth! how modern day issues are reflected Keep a piece of this and illuminated by the great Western month’s warm weath- classic books. This month, we’ll be dis- MARTIN er to sustain you dur- secting King Lear by the late, great Bil- ing the coming rainy ly Shakespeare. Call or email us to join season. Hard to imagine, isn’t it? our Great Books emailing list and re- Below is a brief overview of the in- ceive monthly scans of our readings. sane number of programs happening ■ Friday Family Films have re- this month on the adult side of the turned! During the summer season, library. we’ll present family films in both Span- ■ Do you know someone who would ish and English each week on Fridays, like to brush up on English? Please tell July 12, 19 and 26, at noon (Spanish) and them about our new English Conversa- 2 p.m. (English). For film titles, give us a tion Group. Held Monday evenings July call here at the library, 503-682-2744. 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29. Beginning at 6 p.m., ■ On Saturday, July 13, at 1 p.m., participants can drop in to learn and please join us to hear an exciting lec- practice English in this free, informal ture Space Exploration: To the Moon class. Speakers of any language and and Mars, by former Hubble Telescope any English comprehensive level are engineer Tom Styczynski. Fifty years welcome and no registration is after the Apollo moon landing, what’s required. coming up for space exploration? Join As previously mentioned, we’ll be us and find out! Free and open to all. closed all day on Thursday, July 4, for a ■ Hooray! It’s the Genealogy Club, smashing Independence Day. Hope you meeting again on Monday, July 15, at 1 have a great one and any stray mortars p.m. Join Malia at 1 p.m. for helpful tips will avoid you and yours! and tricks for all levels from beginners ■ On Friday, July 5, at 6 p.m., our to seasoned genealogists. Discover new First Friday Film program returns. This genealogical resources and tools, dis- month, we’ll watch the return of a fa- cuss personal research and goals, and mous nanny! Decades after her original learn from others! Note to participants: visit, the magical nanny returns to help Just because your second great-grand- the Banks siblings and Michael’s chil- father patented the electric cheese slic- dren through a difficult time in their er, doesn’t give you the right to cut lives. If this sounds like a film you’d like ahead of me in a buffet line! to see, please join us. ■ Also having its first meeting on ■ Also for English learners, we have Monday, July 15, at 6:30 p.m. is our new an ESL class that meets Thursdays, Beginning Spanish Class! This eight- July 11, 18, and 25 from 11-12:30 p.m. part, one hour class is free and will The class is conducted informally by an meet Mondays and Wednesdays from experienced ESL instructor. No pre-reg- July 15 to Aug. 7. If you’ve been want- istration is required and the class is ing to learn or brush up on your Span- free. Call Deborah Gitlitz (ella habla es- ish, here’s the best opportunity to meet pañol) for further information call 503- 570-1582. See WILSONVILLE LIBRARY / Page 27 Wilsonville Library Constance S . Snyder LAW OFFICE Several July events to choose from Jay Puppo, Agent 9375 SW Wilsonville Road Wilsonville, OR 97070 Bus: 503-582-8181 [email protected] Wills - Trusts Power of Attorney Probate - Family Law Business Law Elder Law Proudly Serving Charbonneau for 30 Years and Counting Also serving former clients of Julie Carr James LET’S TALK TODAY. 8655 SW Citizens Dr. Suite 104 Wilsonville 503-682-8669 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company Bloomington, IL State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas Richardson, TX Footloose at Broadway Rose Theatre on August 29 Celebrate the spirit and optimism of young people fi ghting for change backed by a soundtrack of ‘80s pop anthems in this stage adaptation of the hit fi lm. When city boy Ren moves to a small town where dancing is outlawed, he fi nds himself an outsider. Through explosive choreography and invigorating songs such as “Holding Out for a Hero,” “Let’s Hear it for the Boy,” and the exhilarating title tract; Ren challenges the community to reverse the rule and heal from the tragedy that kept their hearts from dancing. We will be attending this performance on Thursday, Aug. 29 at 2pm, then, continue the outing at a fun happy hour location. Your $70 ticket will include deluxe motor coach round trip transportation and happy hour munchies. Happy hour drinks are not hosted so please be sure to bring your wallet.