The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019 February Villager Newspaper | Page 22
February 2019
Sunshine Service
‘DREAMERS’ speak
at AAUW event
Welcome to the “New Year” everybody! I hope
your Christmas holidays were filled with joy and
friendship and you came out unscathed with
various “bugs” that seem to be
rampant at this time of the year.
Checking our book work for the
Sunshine Cupboard, it seems like
not too many of you needed to
borrow equipment during the past
few weeks? That is a GOOD sign!
However, knowing there will be
accidents, surgeries, whatever, in the coming weeks
and months, we want you to know that we are
available 5 days a week to assist you. Please
remember that the Clubhouse is closed from
Fridays at 5 p.m. until the following Monday
mornings and we cannot access our cupboard
during weekends.
I will be tackling the annual inventory of the
equipment and double checking the records as to
what is “out” and what is “in.” IF you have had
items for several months, please, please return
them? You signed a loan agreement for a
reasonably limited time and I realize it's hard to
keep track ... especially once you feel fine
again! Many times our equipment is put 'out of
sight' and thus forgotten. We always suggest that
you purchase an item if it is necessary for long term
use; we can guide you to resources.
As always, we welcome small donations when
you return things. We have NO allotted money to
run our cupboard, other than donations. There is no
funding available to us; we are strictly volunteers.
Incidentally, if you are calling for assistance from
our list in your Directory, there may be a few
people who are out of town at this time of the year.
Just move on down the list, until you reach an
available volunteer.
Thanks for your continued support ... we LOVE
serving you! ■
merican Association of University Women
Lake Oswego hosts “A Conversation with
a 'Dreamer'.” All are warmly invited to
this Feb.
9 event
which is part of
Lake Oswego
Reads. It is free,
no tickets
needed. The lo-
cation is Oswego
Heritage House,
398 10th St. Lake
Oswego, at 10:30
Luis Balderas-
Luis Balderas-Villagrana, student
student body
body president at Portland State
president at
University, will speak at the AAUW
Portland State
event Feb. 9.
University and a
“Dreamer”, will be the guest speaker. Luis, who
qualifies under the Federal “Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals” (DACA) program, came to the
United States with his family when he was seven
years old to escape the violence of the drug cartels
in Mexico. He grew up as an immigrant in a small
town in Eastern Oregon, where he quickly learned
English and often translated for his family. He
learned important leadership skills, and as an
honors student at Portland State, was elected
student body president. Luis will have several
friends with him, and they will talk about their
personal stories, their hopes and dreams for the
AAUW is a nonprofit organization whose
mission is to advance equity for women and girls
through advocacy, education, philanthropy and
research. ■
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Happy Valentines Day! Since this is our first
article for 2019, we LOVE looking back at some of
the fun and successful events of last year and
look forward to even more for 2019. Brenda
Hankins was our Tournament Champion — who
will be her challengers in 2019? Pink Ball 2018
was a huge success and our chairs this year are
working hard already to make it even more
successful in 2019. Stay tuned!
Cindy Garrison has retired! Her articles
reflected the friendliness of the Charbonneau
community. She was supportive of every
organization and their events. The Niners are
truly grateful for her support. Cindy, you will be
The 2018 Niners annual banquet 'Motown
Magic' was a roaring success! Thanks to the
Committee Co-Chairs, Joanna Sawyer and Cheryl
Barnum, and to the many volunteers and
Charbonnettes Dance Team. All the practices and
hard work paid off! Charbonneau residents and
their friends and families 'cheered' us on and
enjoyed a fun evening. The committee has
selected 'Disney' as this year's theme.
Want to help on committees? If you are new
and/or have not signed up, please talk with us. We
are still looking for leadership and participation
for our committees.
Niners, have you checked your 'winnings' at the
Pro Shop? Don't need anything? Why not consider
buying golf balls, towels, gloves and donate these
for our raffle prizes at special events.
Thanks to the Men's Club for inviting
Charbonneau golfers to attend its Rules Seminar.
There are many new rules this year so we are all
“scrambling” to learn them as quickly as possible
and LOVE every opportunity.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the
Welcome Back Meeting and Coffee on April
2nd! ■