The Cellar Door Issue 04. The Napa Valley. | Page 24

Serving Up Style : Creating Endless Possibilities for Canada ' s Restaurants
Lance Kingma & Robb Denomme , Co-Founders
For the past 15 years the name “ Genuwine Cellars ” has been passed from mouth to mouth as more and more people take notice of the private and public sculptures created by this Canadian-born company . Traditionally wine cellars have been a residential feature , often a focal point on a house tour at a party : “ And down here is our wine cellar …”
But , oddly enough , we are starting to see more and more commercial projects being submitted to the Design Loft at Genuwine . And why not ? Every restaurant that serves anything from Ice Wine to Dom Perignon needs to protect and preserve their vintages in a safe , reliable and beautifully crafted cabinet or wine vault . The last thing you want to serve your cliental is spoiled Bordeaux . Many of the brand new restaurants rising up in the Winnipeg area are coming to this realization and calling on the team at Genuwine to create their latest masterpiece – Wasabi , Bellisimo and The Current have already followed suit . But it ’ s not just in the restaurants around the ‘ Peg where you can find a Vintage Vault designed and built by Genuwine .
Next time you ’ re in Toronto , go up and have lunch at the 360 Degree Restaurant at the CN Tower . There you ’ ll sample wine from a Genuwine Vintage Vault that has the honour of being the world ’ s highest wine cellar . Skiing in Banff ? You can drink from a wine vault by Genuwine at the Banff Springs Hotel , one of the world ’ s most beautiful restaurants and resorts . Genuwine ’ s extensive commercial resume includes other prestigious restaurants and hotels across Canada like the Prince of Wales Hotel , the Air Canada Centre in Toronto and the University of British Columbia .
So , next time you ’ re eating out take notice of the wine vault you ’ re waiter pulls your bottle of Bordeaux out of . It could just be one of the newest , innovative designs from the team at Genuwine .
Wine Cabinet at Wasabi Sabi in Winnipeg
Visit us at one of our showrooms ! Genuwine Cellars Design Centre at 343 Gunn Rd or Form Design Centre at 693 Taylor Ave at Pembina . Please call us 204.668.8101 to set up an appointment .