The Houdini Corkscrew is a sleek , handy tool that will slide that cork out like magic ! The lever-style corkscrew has two gripping handles that latch onto the top of a wine bottle to ensure a stable grasp , while the top handle drives the corkscrew into the cork and pops it out effortlessly . It is made of durable die-cast metal parts and comes encased in a gift box with a foil cutter , an extra spiral , and a 5-year warranty . Price : $ 60.00
Lange Twins is located in the Lodi AVA of California . Their focus , besides making great wines , is sustainability , for the environment , the community , and their family . The large winery is a leader in sustainable agriculture and follows Lodi Rules ( see www . langetwins- . com / lodirules . html for more details ). They are also a completely family-run winery ! Twin brothers Randall and Brad Lange are descendents from a long line of farmers and have built their winery to pass on to their family , most of whom are already involved in many aspects of the winery ’ s daily functions . Banville & Jones carries an exclusive range of Lange Twins wines . Easy to love , with pure fruit flavours and a rich style that will match well with many food options , these wines are also yummy all on their own . Price : $ 19.99 –$ 39.99 www . banvilleandjones . com 23