The CASH Report Volume 2, Issue 4 | Page 3

Important News- Policy Changes and Reminders: COLLEGE STUDENTS: Please remember that if you used CASH funds for tuition for the fall semester we need a copy of your grades. It doesn’t have to be an “official transcript,” you can just print off a copy from your student portal. If you plan on using CASH funds for tuition for the spring 2014 semester and you attend one of the four state colleges or Sumner Co. Community College, the school will bill us directly for your tuition. Please make sure to let us know of your intentions and that the funds you are using for Spring Semester are in your account no later than December 15th. We must notify your college or university of the amount that we will pay by January 1st. ALL: We will only be able to talk with ACCOUNT HOLDERS about their CASH accounts. We will no longer be able to speak with spouses, parents or others regarding your CASH account. An execption will be made, with your permission, to speak with lenders for home purchases. Happiest of Holidays and Best Wishes for the New Year! A program of Interfaith Housing Services, Inc. Interfaith Housing Services, Inc. | PO Box 1987 | Hutchinson, KS 67504-1987 |