The Caring Way Edition 3 | Page 17

Be emergency ready !

Emergencies can happen anytime . Planning for emergencies will help you to stay calm even when things go wrong . Here ’ s how to plan for emergencies when you are a carer :
There are two main emergency scenarios you need to have in mind . The first might involve the person you care for . The second might involve you . It ’ s good to know what to do in a crisis and be ready for emergencies like these . We recommend making an emergency care plan and carrying a carer emergency card in your wallet . There are templates for both of these at the end of the article .
About emergency care plans
An emergency care plan has all the information about the person you care for in one place , so you can get it quickly and easily . It makes it easy for someone to take over from you in a hurry . The plan is also useful if someone else will be providing care for a while , or if you need to share information with someone like a healthcare professional . Your emergency care plan should include :
• Personal information about the person you care for ( name , address , age , condition , health )
• Details of any emergency contacts , including family and friends , guardians or power of attorney and health professionals
• Medical history
• A list of medicines and how and when they should be given
• Care needs , such as what they usually eat and drink and details of personal care
• A list of the regular support services they use and upcoming appointment dates , times and locations
• Anything else you think someone taking over for you in a hurry would need to know .
Once you have filled in the plan , save it to your phone or computer . You should also print out copies of the plan , and :
• Keep a copy somewhere safe and easy to see in your home , along with copies of important documents such as wills , guardianship and powers of attorney
• Take a copy with you when you leave home or travel with the person you care for
• Give a copy to each of your emergency contacts
• Give a copy to your doctor , and anyone else who may need to know what to do .
About carer emergency cards
A carer emergency card is a card you can carry in your wallet to let people know that you care for someone . It ’ s a good idea to carry one to help support the person you care for if something happens to you . This card has the contact details of people who have your emergency care plan and anyone else who can help the person you care for if something happens to you . The person you care for should also carry a card in their wallet to let people know they are being cared for by you . Download a blank emergency care plan and cards to fill in at carergateway . gov . au / planning Watch our Planning for an emergency video at https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = 48nDzTLxPJw
Issue 02 2023 | 17