The Caring Way Edition 3 | Page 10

Young Carer Corner

Studying while caring

Many students also find themselves becoming a carer for someone , which can be hard to juggle . The time and energy that caring takes can interfere with your study . This is true for all students , whether you are a young high school student , an older university student or a returning continuing education student . It ’ s worth talking with your school , university or training centre about your situation , because they might be able to help . If you are a student at school , university or other training centre , you may be able to get support to help you to combine studying and caring . The Young Carers Network website has information on studying while you are caring : youngcarersnetwork . com . au As a carer you may be able to apply for the Young Carer Bursary Program through the Young Carers Network . The Young Carer
Bursary Program supports young carers to continue with their education . The program offers 1592 bursaries of $ 3768 each year to assist with education needs and resources . Young carers across Australia can apply from July until mid-September .
Talking with your school , university or centre
Your school and teachers or university and tutors probably don ’ t know you are caring for someone . If you tell them , they might be able to help you . If you are at school , you can talk with your teacher , principal or school counsellor . If you are at university or a training centre , you can talk with your lecturer , course advisor or student counsellor . If it helps , take someone along to support you . You could also ask a parent or friend to speak to them for you . You can tell them as much or as little as you want . You don ’ t have to go into detail about the person you care for , or their medical condition . You could talk with them about :
• What the problem is
• The extra responsibilities you have in caring for someone
• How this affects being at school or university and doing your work
• Who they can share this information with
• Who you should talk with if things change .
You can also talk with them about special arrangements that might help you . For example , you can ask for :
• Permission to stay home from school or classes when you need to
• Permission to use your phone to call home
• Ways to catch up on work from home , such as catchup lessons , take-home work , e-learning opportunities , or note-taking services
• Later deadlines for assignments
• Any other supports that might be available .
Even if you don ’ t want special arrangements , it ’ s a good idea to tell them about your situation so that they understand if there is an emergency or if your caring affects your study .
10 | The Caring Way