and his or her judgment and get your
work out into the world. Like most
scenarios, the more you can pay, the
more you can play. If you go to: http://
A Publishing Journey
CorePackages/Compare.aspx, you will
by Philip Young, PhD
find packages ranging from $999.00 to
$7,999.00 at the time this article was
logical timing sense. My partner and
written. Based on my experience, and
my daughter’s mother had purchased
what I would choose to buy if I had to
a publication package from Balboa
purchase my own package, I would
Press with the intent to write and get
have chosen the Discovery Package
her book published. But her astro-
(@ $2,499.00) for the simple reason
logical timing wa s not aligned and so
that it was the first of the packages to
the package was on hold. When she
offer the Booksellers Return Program,
realized I was in a positon to write my
which makes the purchase and shelv-
book, she gifted me the package, a gift
ing of your book risk free for 1 year to
of $7,999.00 … a most generous gift.
bookstores. This option is important
Once in place, I began writing in
because the book is a print-on-demand
earnest in March of 2013 and com-
production and not readily distributed
pleted the final draft for the publisher
to outlets as part of the original pur-
in October of 2013. Most of the book
chase option; I found Barnes and Noble
is a series of tables (over 300 pages)
reluctant to shelf the book because it
with an interpretive formula for every
was print-on-demand.
energy point I use in my charts (a total
Even with the Master Package you
of 25) beginning with the Sun and end-
need to be aware of “hidden” costs
ing with the Part of Fortune. This part
that will quickly add thousands of
of the book was written for beginners
dollars to your process. For example,
and professionals as a desk reference
the Editorial Assessment that starts at
for quick interpretation of an energy
the Inspire Package level ($3,599.00) is
point in the sign and house (12X12X25
simply an assessment of 1500 words to
interpretations). I also
determine the type of editing
provide interpretations
process they will suggest,
“Almost all
for the Cardinal Angles
which is a separate fee. The
the major
at the very end. The first
editing suggestions range
60 pages of the book
from line edit of the full text
explains my journey into,
now have a to, well, nearly ghost writing
use of, and how to learn
“self” publica- for you. I was fortunate to
astrology at a deep level
have experience as an editor
tion branch.” and have contacts that do
right from the start. I
expect the reader to
professional editing. I was
come to the book and the subject with
able to hire them to help polish my
a high degree of interest and intelli-
own editorial work for a fraction of the
cost that Balboa wanted to charge me
My journey to publication involves
($500 vs. $2000). I also found out that
a hybrid of “pay-to-play” and profes-
I was allowed 10 image files before
sional editing/printing. I worked with
being charged for each additional
Balboa Press, which is a subsidiary of
image ($.10 per image). Well, consid-
Hay House. Throughout the process
ering my books is filled with tables
I learned a great deal that I would
that use small icons for each energy
like to share with you in this article.
point symbol and sign, I was looking
Almost all the major publishers now
at another several hundreds of dollars
have a “self” publication branch. If
expense! Fortunately I was allowed to
you believe in your idea and have the
submit a print ready pdf, which meant I
funds, you can skip past the tradi-
actually did the typesetting and layout
tional gatekeeper process (submit a
to specifications provided by Balboa.
manuscript and hope for publication)
Without preexisting skills on my part,
n the middle of December of
2013, I receive a much antic-
ipated package from Balboa
Press. Inside the bubble wrap envel-
op was my author’s copy of my book;
I was officially published. My jour-
ney from ideas about an astrology
book to the actual book in my hand
was fairly long, but once I started
writing it took me less than a year
to finish my draft for publication.
Several ideas for an astrology book
percolated for many years, but the
one I decided to write was a begin-
ner’s book for the very, very serious
Once I became a professional astrol-
oger and decided to do my work full-
time, blending in my guided intuitive
abilities, tarot cards, applied kinesiol-
ogy (muscle testing), and a smidge of
numerology, I realized the field was
actually lacking a beginner book that
actually addressed a number of gaps
– namely the imbalance of masculine/
feminine energies (even the most
recent books still only use the Sun to
Pluto and a handful have ventured to
include Chiron) and a clear path to first
level interpretation that laid out what
it meant for an energy point to be in a
house AND a sign.
Once I felt I had found a sufficient
reason to write the book I was actually
gifted with the opportunity to write
it. And I do mean gifted in the literal
sense as well as the spiritual, astro-
Continued on page 5
OPA’s Newsletter for Professional Astrology
V23 -03 2014