The Career Astrologer 1 2016 | Page 26

OPA Conference Greece! We are delighted to present an extraordinary program for the Greece conference in Athens (May 27-30) Join us for the conference weekend only, or for the full journey. • 10:10–11:20: Angela Tiki “Mars Retrograde” • 11:30–12:40: Boaz Fyler “Sex, Lust, Gender and Sexual Orientation in the Chart” • 14:00–15:00: Angelika Panoussi “The Archetype of Chiron” • 15:10–16:15: Maurice Fernandez “A new under- standing of the 12th house” • 16:25–17:30: Ioannis Rizopoulos “The synthesis of Tropical and Sidereal zodiac: Theory and practice” SUN MAY 30 Conference Schedule • 15:00 – 18:00 – OPA Peer Group Work with Maurice Fernandez and Arlan Wise FRI MAY 27 • 18:30–20:30: Cocktail • 19:15: Speech Maurice & Alexandra SAT MAY 28 (DAY 1) • 9:00–10:05: Alexandra Karacostas “Relationships: Keep it simple!” • 10:10–11:20: Thanassi Matsotas “Eclipses, Portals of SpaceTime” • 11:30–12:40: Aleksandar Ismirajic “Reincarnation in Astrology” • 14:00–15:00: Sol Jonassen “Eros & Psyche – Sexuality, Sensuality, and Vitality” • 15:10–16:15: Smaro Sotiraki “Astrological Interpretation of Homer’s Odyssey” • 16:25–17:30: Roy Gillett “Global Economics and Astrology: Why and how we are racing toward global destruction” SUN MAY 29 (DAY 2) • 9:00–10:05: Roy Gillett “Principles before rules: Planetary regeneration” The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine Presentations ROY GILLETT - UK GLOBAL ECONOMY AND ASTROLOGY PART I & II How Can the Global Economy Survive? An indepth study of its astrology inspired by the Greek situation The 17th century Bank of England and early 20th century US Federal Reserve astrology charts clearly describe the nature and failings of colonialism and our consumption-driven market economy. After studying these, we will consider the consequences of our failure to address the warnings of 1930s depression and the astrology behind the dire consequences of adopting and propping up a competitive monetarist market economy since the 1980s, culminating in the 2008 global crisis, the illusory ‘world recovery’ since and austerity in the Greek and many other national economies. Principles before Rules - Planetary Regeneration Mainstream economists, law-makers, educators, scientists, marketing and media experts insist that a competitive, rule and growth obsessed global economy is the only realistic way to administer the human and natural environment. V25 -01 MARCH EQUINOX 2016 page 26