The Career Astrologer 1 2016 | Page 25

Interview with Sol Jonassen SPEAKER AT OPA ASTROLOGY CONFERENCE IN GREECE How did it start? My father. When I was 3-4 years old, he held regular meetings at our house as he was part of an astrology group. They drew charts and studied the phi- losophy behind astrology. When I was 10 or 11 I saw my chart for the first time and later I started asking my father about the glyphs and their meaning. This led to my study on my own. I found it to be the only valuable source for understanding myself, as I had a chal- lenging time as s teenager. I took my first class when I was 20 with Alan Oken and since then I got deeper into the world of astrology. I left high school and never attended regular schooling; I studied spiritual arts on my own. I kept alive as a chef’s assistant, hotel management assistant and wait- ressing jobs. Tell us about your lecture at the conference – why did you choose that topic, and can you give us more details about the contents? The myth of Eros and Psyche is a potent story of love and the mystery of love. Love matters a lot to us humans and we yearn for being loved and appreciated. There is an element of “the ultimate love story” in this myth and there are also hints as to how achieve it. Eventually it is all about the inner union between the mortal and the God, and the eternal state of ecsta- sy such a union brings. Now just imag- ine how much chocolate people would stop eating if they had this sweetness of divinity within. The Career Astrologer Are you a full-time or part-time astrologer? I am working full time with astrology, energy healing and therapeutic medita- tion. I combine the two and offer a range of different tools to work with clients who had their charts done and want to go deeper into the dynamics. What is the main focus of your practice? teach, give read- ings and write for online publications and regular publications. I also arrange a yearly event/conference called Polaris Astrologikonferanse in Oslo, Norway. I am an evolutionary astrologer, with special focus on the karmic aspect of the chart for its potential for healing. To understand the «why» is important for me, as I see it has powerful ripple effect in the consciousness and life of the client. OPA Conference Greece! Tell us about Astrology in Norway? When I first start- ed with astrology in Norway, we quite hadn’t moved into the world on Internet yet, and there were islands of astrologers here and there. Norwegians are fond of their isolation and the astrology milieu reflected this. We had a handful of astrologers doing the regular week- ly scopes for magazines and then the national union for astrologers doing some work here and there. After the Internet, I find that we are more united, more familiar with each other and that the family of astrologers and students is growing. More people choose to become pro- fessional astrologers and, despite a very strict skeptic movement, the interest is on the increase. R OPA’s Quarterly Magazine V25 -01 MARCH EQUINOX 2016 page 25