OPA is delighted to welcome Charles James
as the Australian Satellite. We are looking
forward to expanding OPA’s contribution
for Astrology to the thriving OZ community.
Charles Jameson
[email protected]
Website: http://astrology-
My astrological journey
started in the early 1990s
when I had my first astrological
reading. It was one of those ‘significant
events’; was a stepping stone to an
eight year involvement with an esoter-
ic Christian community and learning
astrology in a small group at the astrol-
oger’s home.
In about 1997 I passed the Federation
of Australia Astrologers (FAA)
Practitioner’s Diploma exam. And later
completed Robert Zoller’s Foundation of
Medieval Astrology and John Frawley’s
Horary Apprenticeship.
I was co-organiser of two iterations of
the Regulus traditional astrology confer-
ence in Melbourne. And I’ve presented
at the Victorian Astrologers Association
on topics such as Elizabethan astrol-
oger Simon Forman, the astrology of
cult leaders Jim Jones and Marshall
Applewhite and the Jupiter-Saturn con-
junction cycles.
I have an enduring fascination with
the esoteric side of life, history and the
‘meaning’ of, well, pretty much everything.
I currently work full time in the busi-
ness training sector, so astrology is
(for now) an enduring passion outside
that realm.
I was inspired to become the OPA
Australian satellite after hearing
Maurice interviewed on Chris Brennan’s
podcast (The Astrology Podcast). I’d
never previously heard of OPA. But I’d
now like to share its existence with my
fellow Australians.
About Astrology in Australia
Astrology in Australia is alive and well!
There are State branches of the FAA that
meet regularly, and the FAA conference
every two years that features excellent
local and international speakers. There
is a broad spectrum of astrologers and