The Career Astrologer 1 2016 | Page 21

Book Review By Kathryn Andren Under a Sacred Sky ESSAYS ON THE PRACTICE AND PHILOSOPHY OF ASTROLOGY By Ray Grasse R ay Grasse’s new book Under a Sacred Sky, Essays on the Practice and Philosophy of Astrology is a delight and inspiration. The seasoned astrologer and the nov- ice who is astrologically curious will find treasures of insight in the author’s thoughtful essays. The book is a compi- lation of essays on various topics; includ- ing astrological connections in cinema, arts and culture, current events, diving deep in the metaphysical, and more! The author illustrates practical exam- ples of how astrology works in the world across time. This is one of the greatest gifts of reading Under a Sacred Sky, since the content is both timely and timeless. Ray Grasse cites many historical refer- ences and some chapters link research to birth charts of popular individuals in politics, arts and sports. For the astrol- ogy enthusiast, this dynamic variety of essays has something for everyone. I dare say that this book is a must read for any astrologer who is in pro- fessional practice. There are several chapters where the author clearly and compassionately defines how to be a better astrologer. He offers supportive suggestions that are touching and heart- felt. Chapters on astrology counseling include: “The Seven Most Common Mistakes Made by Astrologers” & “The Perils of Telling People What to Do.” Ray Grasse writes from decades of experience as a sea- soned astrologer with a rich variety of interests. His is the author of two other books and has been a contributor to The Mountain Astrologer for many years. “He received a degree in filmmaking from the Art Institute of Chicago . . . He has studied with various teachers in both the Kriya Yoga and Zen traditions . . . He’s lectured exten- sively on the topics of astrology, synchronicity, and mytholo- gy, and maintains an active astrological practice with clients around the United States and abroad”. Learn more about Ray Grasse on his website http://www. Ray’s book deeply inspired me. A most happy surprise was an essay called “Astrology and the Chakras: Toward a Sacred Psychology of the Horoscope” originally published in the TMA in 1996. This chapter includes revealing infor- mation integrating planets with the chakras. Personally, as an astrologer and massage therapist who has been in professional practice of energy heal- ing bodywork for years, I was humbly reminded as well as excited, that no matter how much I think I have learned, there is always more to know! Concluding chap- ters include inspiring interviews called “Conversations in Astrology” with Richard Tarnas and Laurence Hillman. Readers, be sure not to skip the notes! The final remarks at the end of this author’s chapters hold a wealth of information. Ray Grasse’s depth of knowledge and material inspires me to check out his other books: The Waking Dream, and Signs of the Times. I am in deep gratitude for this author’s contribu- tion to the field of astrology! Order information for Ray Grasse’s books is found at http://www.raygrasse. com/#!alternate-book-page/cq0i Find a sneak peak of Ray’s writing available on his web site: http://www.raygrasse. com/#!contact/c1472. R Will give away to the right home • A complete collection of The Mountain Astrologer from 1989 to the present Special Offer The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine • The Planet Earth Magazine from Cancer 1988 to July 1999 • NCGR journals from Fall 1989 to 2014 • Eleanor Bach’s Planet Watch from Sept. 1981 - Sept. 1985 All in cardboard magazine boxes and in order. Please contact Kate Plumb [email protected] if interested. Thank you! V25 -01 MARCH EQUINOX 2016 page 21