Tournament of...
In the girls tournament, TPS was represented by both East Central and Booker T. Washington's Lady Hornets, who placed third. East Central began play Dec. 29 with a 62-54 win over Adair High School, before finishing off Southmoore High School, 54-49, in the semifinal on Dec. 30. In the Cardinals' fifth finals appearance, they earned their second consecutive title by beating Muskogee 66-62 in overtime on New Year's Eve.
The 50th annual Tournament of Champions saw great successes for Tulsa Public Schools. The Class 5A East Central Cardinals girls and the also 5A Memorial Chargers boys basketball teams both took titles against Class 6A competition on Dec. 31 at the Mabee Center.
Exo is a Korean boy band that consists of 12 beautiful male members. Exo is short for exoplanet because they are intergalactic superstars from out of this world. Exo is split into two groups Exo-K and Exo-M the K stands for Korean and M for Mandarin they split up so that if some of the fans speak Chinese instead of Korean they will be able to understand it too. Each of the members has their own special powers. From Exo-M Luhans’ power is telekinesis, Xiumin is frost, Tao has the ability to freeze and reverse time, Lay is a healing unicorn he can heal any pain, Kris has the ability to flight dragon, and lastly Chen has the power of a lighting scorpion. From Exo-K Suho power is the control of water, Sehun has the power to control wind even tornados, D.O. has the power of Earth, Chanyeol can create fire out of nothing, Kai has the power to teleportation, and Beakhyun power is light. Exo’s first album was first released on June 3, 2013. This album was called XOXO (Hugs Kisses). They received the golden Disk Award Album of the Year, and the Golden Disk Award Album Division. These guys are really talented and I highly recommend them you probably won’t understand all of what they saying but the dance movies their voices and looks will surly draw you in.
by: Andrea Hurd
theCardinal/January, 2015