So you want to
be a Cardette?
By: Grace Hand
The Cardette Pom squad looks for dancers with performing skills who work good with others. The try-outs for the Pom squad will most likely be in March or April so look out for announcements about it to get our packet from Ms.Steele.
The past try-outs included: a given technique dance, Pom dance, kick, leap, and a turn. Attendance to all five days is required. Along with the skills needed to be a Cardette you will fill out and complete the try-out packet you get from the coach before the try-out week.
The packet will ask for basic information about you and about your school performance. Your teachers will fill out a survey about what kind of student you are and behavior in their class. Also, Your counselor will write and sign what your GPA is as part of your packet to turn in.
The most important part for try-outs is to remember to smile, complete your packet, and be there all 5 days. Good luck dancers!