L ong before the advent or creative creation all auto mobiles, long before the creation of tech- nology and evolution, We were walkers, My grandfather said. The chief of my tribe and the father of my fa- ther have never been a supporter of modern technology. He used to reminisce on his strong agile days when mobility solely depends on the legs, Migration from tribe to tribe was the major origination of my people. Technology as we see it is retrogressing, back- wards is the case of modern age technology which has robbed humanity of the ability to live longer and hold the wheel of their life. My grandfather never allows the thoughts of technology or evolution evade our vision, As he believes In the true evolution of the heart and the personal self discovery that sits in the heart of all men. Should I live in a primitive world that has refused to catch up with the outside world or let my fam- ily be raised on a farmland, Our Were walkers!! ―Should I live in a primitive world that has refused to catch up with the outside world or let my family be raised on a farmland, when more can be done with the great city‖