Kalahari was coined out from the tswana
word ―kgala‖, meaning the great vast
The San people have lived in the Kalahari
for 20,000 y ears as hunter-gatherers They
hunt wild game with bows and
poison arrows and gather edible plants,
such as berries, melons and nuts, as well as
insects. The San get most of their water re-
quirements from plant roots and desert
melons found on or under the desert floor.
They often store water in the blown-out
shells of ostrich eggs. The San live in huts
built from local materials—the frame is
made of branches, and the roof is thatched
with long grass. Most of their hunting and
gathering techniques replicate our prehis-
toric tribes. Their mythology includes leg-
ends of a god Chikara, protecting them
from starvation and death b y
Sacrificing his own life by being hunted in the form
of a deer and other wild game the y hunt for food.
Bux is the enemy of Chikara and is in the form of
snakes which are found in consider able numbers in
the Kalaharian desert region. Bantu-speaking
Tswana, Kgalagardi, and Herero and a small number
of European settlers also live in the Kalahari Desert.
The city of Windhoek is situated in the Kalahari Ba-