T he destination was the republic of Ghana, The road journey began, at the sunset of the day, the bus took off, Nigeria was where the journey kick started from. My parents bade me farewell and as I looked out through the bus window I knew I was ready to see the domi- nant countries in the western Africa. It was midnight already and the bus took all day to stay mobile, until we got to the Nigerian border shared with the republic of Benin. I was enthralled by how the Nigerian border with the republic of Benin ap- peared, like the hilarious gate that bordered the north and south Korea, armed soldiers appeared like tit was time for battle. Soon after, we were out of the Nigerian soil, as my mobile phone sent me a roaming Text message in French Language? I knew I now have traveled out of Nigeria, within 2 or more hours we found ourselves at a local terminus and restaurant, where people from Nigeria and republic of Benin could trade, and share consumables. Never can I forget what food I ate, rice( not Nigerian standard) and a tiny boiled chicken egg. The young man not more than my age was observing how elated I was to be feeding outside my fatherland, I felt like a foreigner in my very own continent. Well, I got the opportunity to handle the currency Cefa (or Sefa) and the French coin called Franc /. I was happy after meeting with various Nigerians at the local terminus, I discovered a boy was from my home state, wow I felt like staying at benin and never return or go ahead. The hospitality was divine. Soon after,, it dawned on me that this is not my desti- nation, the bus was ready to move, I felt cold and agile. Another country ahead. The republic of Togo……...TO BE CONTIUED BY Isaac Mendez Across COUNTRI ES