The worlds fastest Land creature
The African cheetah sprints for survival, this cate-
gory of sprinting is a speed for a kill shot.
With predator instincts
The African cheetah runs at 70mph(or 70kph),
which is as fast as a car driven on the highway.
The cheetah can reach its top speed in just
3seconds, magnificent right?
After a gestation of 3months, cheetah cubs are
born blind and helpless, the females will hide
them away for 2 or 3 weeks in their dens.
They depend on their sight to pinpoint, stalk and
chase prey.
During a typical kill, a cheetah uses its forefeet to
knock the running prey off balance then jaw
tightly on its neck for strangulation.
The dead is invariably dragged into cover where
the cheetah will feed. Females will call their cubs
to the kill a with birdlike chirrup.
The southern African cheetah lives mainly in the
lowland areas and deserts of the Kalahari, the sa-
vannah of Okavango delta , and the grasslands of
the Transvaal region in south Africa. The Na-
mibia, cheetahs are mostly found on farmlands
By nathab