The Caiman Vybe Volume 1, No 1 Dec 9 2017 | Page 2

E d i t o r i a l S t a f f J O U R 4 6 0 F a l l 2 0 1 7 CAIMAN VYBE MISSION To be the premiere source of captivating, compelling and creative news among the different communities within the College of Science and Technology and Applied Arts of Trinidad and Tobago. INSIDE Chief Editor - Marissa Rodriguez “There’s no expiration date for success. Don’t measure your life with someone else’s ruler” Content Editor - Dareece Polo “Successful people don’t look at life’s upsets as major setbacks. They see it as challenges; something to overcome, something to conquer” 04 People of COSTAATT Jack of all Trades Promotion - Malissa Patterson 05 Student’s Beware Police say Card Skimming is on the Rise “Excellence is not a one day occurance. It comes through daily thought and hard work” 06 Work-Study Program Students jump start their careers Layout Editor - Jody-Ann Thompson “Still thinking” 07 Entrepreneurial Journalism Make Words, Make Cash 08 Judah Illustrates Trinidad Digital Artiste Thinks Big Photo Editor - Giselle Permell “If you’re going through hell, keep going” -Winston Churchill 10 Beloved COSTAATT Lecturer retires Simply the Best 12 OPINION: Studying on a Hungry Belly Opinion Editor - Camille Hunte “Your circumstances don’t define you. Wherever you are planted, you can bloom” 13 OPINION: Why no paid opportunties? 14 OPINION: Quarter Life Crisis 15 Farewell to Wilfred COSTAATT Student passes on Copy Editor - Ryan Nanton “In the moment we can never under- stand it, but the struggle is worth it. Don’t stop pressing. Success is near.” 16 Graduation 2017 Valedictorian Tara Speaks Copy Editor - Jewel Thorpe “Life is short; set goals, take risks and achieve the impossible” Caiman Vybe | Volume 1, No. 1 | December 9, 2017. 2