The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 66: April/May 2023 | Page 17

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BCC Guardian

Taking the headache out of protecting your business from cyber attacks
SME businesses are often left unsupported when it comes to cyber security . Most do not have the time , knowledge , budget or in-house resources to protect their business from real , daily threats .
Team members of smaller SMEs ( less than 100 employees ) receive 350 per cent more cyber-attacks than someone working for a larger organisation and up to 39 per cent of UK companies have suffered breaches in the last 12 months .
Although cyber attacks against SMEs have been on the rise in recent times , regrettably the belief amongst most SMEs remains that hackers only target bigger companies .
In fact , certain threats , such as social engineering attacks like phishing , are much more commonly aimed at small businesses . Cybercriminals assume that smaller businesses will be easier to crack than larger enterprises due to their weaker security measures . This is because the types of security solutions that are used in larger companies are not usually available to the SME .
The need for cyber security , therefore , is paramount to protect small businesses . So , what is the answer to this quandary ?
One of the key missions at the Business Cyber Centre , based in Chippenham , is to turn cyber complexity into cyber confidence . It does not seem fair that SMEs don ’ t have access to quality cyber protection , so working alongside IT experts Mintivo , the Business Cyber Centre has developed BCC Guardian .
BCC Guardian delivers access to world-class security protection but at a sustainable price point for SMEs . Carrying out all of the ‘ back end ’ work remotely , the service will initially identify and fix any weak spots in cyber security and then continue to deliver protection in a way that does not disrupt individual users or impact day-to-day business .
As 91 per cent of cyber attacks start with an email , BCC Guardian will not only protect against all thirteen types of email threats , but team members will also receive Phishing Awareness training .
In addition , Cyber Guard , part of all BCC Guardian plans , uses the most advanced Artificial Intelligence to protect end point data , sensitive information and important resources . Networks are also fortified with real-time , autonomous protection .
In addition to the Essentials plan , two further plans have been developed for those where greater levels of cyber security is essential . Examples could include a company needing to safeguard sales with international customers , clients with their own high levels of security requirements or SMEs with more complex systems needing more in-depth security protection .
The Professional plan gives further protection from threats , with protection against domain fraud included alongside safer web browsing support . In addition , email post-delivery threat hunting , responses , investigative workflows and enabling direct removal of malicious emails are included .
The Elite plan option is a cost-effective way to have 24 / 7 access to multi-layered security for your systems . It is supported by an in-person team of cyber security staff , providing aroundthe-clock , real-time threat monitoring and guidance . Elite takes away the angst of knowing who and how to recruit an in-house cyber expert or team and means that you can concentrate on what ’ s important to you - running your business .
All BCC products and services are built to ensure the minimum impact to day-to-day business and to give you peace of mind you ’ re receiving world class cyber security . To have a free 30-minute consultation with the BCC Guardian team , please visit : www . bcc . co . uk / free-consultation-form / and complete your details .

You decide when it ’ s the ‘ right time ’

It is said that growth often comes from adversity , and I am delighted to share such a story with you .
Francis Harvey , known as Fran , has opened Franco ’ s Deli and Café within the Business Cyber Centre . Fran was inspired to take the plunge and start his own business having had a health scare last year which led to him having a stent fitted to his heart . Previously the general manager at a farm shop for several years and a trained chef and barista , he had always dreamt of running his own business , but the time was never ‘ right ’.
After his operation and recovery , he felt that life was too short to wait for the ‘ right ’ time and decided to take the plunge . Utilising the amazing space and kitchen facilities at the BCC he is serving homemade dishes including sausage rolls , bacon turnovers , delicious vegetarian options and sweet pastries to die for . They are baked by Fran in house , as well as freshly made sandwiches , pasta dishes and salad pots . He wants to encourage people to take time out of their busy schedules , meet colleagues and customers whilst enjoying good food and great beverages .
Fran has a great philosophy for a café in a business environment . His personality helps to create the atmosphere , but it goes hand in hand with skill , hard-work and persistence to deliver a great quality product . Fran puts effort and passion into developing the business . He is an example of a new business coming from adversity and deserves to have every success for his new venture .
Are you waiting for the right time to start your business ? Don ’ t wait for a time of adversity – take the leap now . If you need help and support in your endeavours , why not contact the Growth Hub to find out about the bespoke support available for those considering starting a business or those in the early stages of running a business . By the way , you can speak to one of the Business Navigators over a brilliant coffee and delicious food at Franco ’ s !
Paddy Bradley , Chief Executive Officer at the Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership
paddy . bradley @ swlep . co . uk 0771 841 951
To find out more about the SWLEP visit www . swlep . co . uk For specific business support , contact the Swindon and Wiltshire Growth Hub . Visit www . swgrowthhub . co . uk call : 01249 477287 or email : hello @ swgrowthhub . co . uk