The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 64: December/January 2022 | Page 12

Visit the SWLEP online at : www . swlep . co . uk

What do the new Board Directors think makes a great business ?

Following on from the theme of the SWLEP ’ s conference in October , Doing Business Brilliantly , it was interesting to discuss the attributes that the group felt make a great business . The key areas they highlighted were :
• A clear sense of purpose
• Ability to attract and retain talent
• Not to be complacent in any area
• Appetite for risk
• Dynamic business environment
• A clear structure and workflows for all to follow
• Great teamwork and communication
• Leadership that provides enjoyment to enable the team and business to thrive
• Ability to get the right information at the right time to be used in the right way
• An established local network of business connections

Who or what inspires them ?

When asked to outline what or who inspires them , the answers were varied which highlights the importance of having a diverse range of individuals on the SWLEP Board . No one person can have all the answers and sharing expertise and wisdom helps further develop ideas .
Tom is an advocate of Scott Asai who coaches CEOs , delivers TED talks and is passionate about utilising and developing soft skills . Tom is also inspired by those who go out of their way to help others for no personal gain . He says he is far more impressed with the person quietly paying the £ 12 that someone is short at the checkout than the person who made a sale of £ 12,000 at work and bragged about it .
Basit describes himself more as a ‘ data person ’ and tends to look at various sources of information rather than be inspired by one thing or person . That said , he listens to many podcasts concerning SMEs , the corporate world , the economy and those debating upcoming challenges and the technology needed to overcome them . He recommends the UK Personal Finance Show with Phil Anderson as a great Podcast to listen to .
Rather than any one individual , José gains greater inspiration from organisations . He studies those that have developed well but also commented that you can learn a lot from those organisations who have collapsed or have obvious failures . He enjoys delving into challenges and relishes the problem-solving opportunities that they provide .
Ramona commented that there ’ s no one individual who inspires her . She gains a lot of benefit from talking to the partners in her office who keep her going and discuss both the highs and lows of life . Seeing the Thrings team grow , being the best that they can be and striving to provide a service that is above and beyond expectations , also inspires her .
Mark is inspired by those with optimism , energy and creativity as well as those who have the ability to take well-judged investment risks , particularly in business .
To find out more about all of the directors on the SWLEP Board , please visit www . swlep . co . uk / about / who-we-are
“ I can genuinely say my eyes have been opened and I have been so impressed by what the SWLEP has done in the past and its grand vision of the future . I simply didn ’ t know how lucky our region is to have the SWLEP ’ s commitment and support . We need to be shouting loudly about this asset and making sure that businesses of all shapes and sizes engage . If we can all work together , think what a powerhouse the region could be !”
Ramona Derbyshire PARTNER Thrings Solicitors
To find out more about the SWLEP visit www . swlep . co . uk For specific business support , contact the Swindon and Wiltshire Growth Hub . Visit www . growthhub . swlep . co . uk call : 01249 477287 or email : hello @ SWGrowthHub . co . uk