The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 64: December/January 2022 | Page 11

What areas do they hope to focus on ?

SWLEP eyes the future with new additions to board

The Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership ( SWLEP ) has welcomed five new members to its Board of Directors . The new members are :
Abdul-Basit Mohammed
José St Clair
Mark Matthews
Ramona Derbyshire
PARTNER Thrings Solicitors
Tom Harrison
Following the open invitation , they each applied for differing reasons .
José said having been part of the Growth Hub ’ s online business community via the portal , he felt that he had the skills to help and encourage the growth of the area .
Having delivered a series of webinars as part of the Growth Hub ’ s This Way Up programme , Ramona felt that she wanted to have greater involvement with the SWLEP .
Basit , Tom and Mark were all keen to become more involved within their local community and to highlight the excellent business support available , encouraging a growth economy from which all can benefit .
As part of the competitive process , candidates were interviewed by existing Board Directors .
Paddy Bradley , CEO of SWLEP , said , “ It is important to have diverse skill sets within a Board . Together with our
existing Board Directors , we now have a team of talented , driven and innovative leaders with the ability to move our LEP to the next level .”
The new Directors hope to assist with the overall delivery of SWLEPs Local Industrial Strategy , which arises from its 2036 vision and sets a series of actions in a range of areas designed to increase productivity in Swindon and Wiltshire .

What areas do they hope to focus on ?

As residents living in the region , each brings unique features to the role together with the same driving ambition to meet the SWLEP ’ s vision : By 2036 our communities benefit from inclusive and sustainable growth , making the Swindon and Wiltshire area world-renowned for its convergence of innovation , entrepreneurialism and great quality of life .
Each has slightly different objectives which they hope to fulfil during their initial three-year tenure with the LEP Board .
Basit and Mark are both keen to focus on ensuring that the skills gap is filled . This is a key aim for the SWLEP which works alongside academic partners and industry to identify ways to develop the skills needed in our area .
With the introduction of AI and other technologies , Tom believes that in addition to the technical skills required it is essential to promote soft skills to “ separate us from the machines .”
All of the new Directors wish to ensure that the SWLEP and the Growth Hub are seen as the go-to organisation for business innovation , growth and support in our region . Tom is particularly focused on helping the LEP to be more outward looking . He would like to see greater focus on expanding the reach for Swindon and Wiltshire businesses not only across the UK , but to the rest of the world .
José meanwhile has said that he wants to see the SWLEP “ as an integral part of growth and sustainability for SMEs in our region .”
Utilising data and evidence to find out what businesses within our region need and want is something that both
Mark and Ramona are keen to explore further . Mark is also looking to provide strategic input for development in the local context , such as transport networks , innovation and enabling strengthened academic research and development collaborations .
Ramona is also interested in SWLEP ’ s role within the Western Gateway and its efforts to reach net zero whilst improving connections for local communities , supporting innovation and attracting inward investment . Alongside this , she would like to be involved in the overall clean energy and sustainability initiatives of the SWLEP .
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