The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 63: October/November 2022 | Page 5

“ I was lucky enough to have been invited by Her Majesty to her garden party in 2016 and have a distinct memory of her rocking a full pink outfit , a girl after my own heart ! I am even luckier to have received my MBE in 2020 on The Queen ’ s Birthday Honours List .
“ The passing of our beloved Queen has added a whole new perspective to these achievements , and they are something that I will treasure and cherish for the rest of my life .
“ Thank you for your 70 years of service Ma ’ am , and for dedicating your life to making England and the Commonwealth better places for your people . You led your country with grace , decorum , and dignity like no other , and your leadership will go down in history . Thank you for paving the way for the future leaders of our world , thank you for setting a phenomenal example for others to follow .
“ In the words of our Queen herself : When life seems hard , the courageous do not lie down and accept defeat : Instead , they are all the more determined to struggle for a better future .” Alison Edgar MBE
“ In 2002 I joined the Royal Air Force . When you sign your attestation , you are swearing to protect Queen and Country and it was one of the proudest moments for me . Often during my time in the RAF , we would say how good it was to have “ Liz ” as our boss , she was admired by everyone .
“ She was always a tour de force and she embodied much of what the RAF stands for :
Respect , Integrity , Service and Excellence . She will be missed , there will never be another like her .” Barbara Leatham , Barbara Leatham Photography
“ We are deeply saddened by the passing of Her Majesty , Queen Elizabeth II . Her Majesty lived a remarkable life of public service and had a wonderful impact on countless people around the world . We are proud to have had Queen Elizabeth as our monarch and join the nation and her family in mourning the loss of a great person .
“ Queen Elizabeth II devoted her life to upholding the aims of our country and rejoiced in the betterment of people ’ s lives around the world . We can see the impact she has had in fulfilling these roles by the responses from leaders and the people in the UK , the Commonwealth and elsewhere in the world . The directors on the Swindon and Wiltshire
Local Enterprise Partnership ( SWLEP ) Board , both current and previous include people who have been honoured by the Queen for their services to the country and the society that binds it together . As a company , we are proud of their service to help create a harmonious and prosperous society . The SWLEP seeks to achieve through its own activities that great meeting of ideas : entrepreneurial spirit and public service . We , too , want to contribute to the achievement of the aims of our democratic government and the betterment of people ’ s lives .
“ Now , with the passing of Queen Elizabeth II , we recognise the call to bring about continuity : The Queen is dead , long live the King ! Our new King ,
Charles III , has shown his desire to follow in the footsteps of his mother in devoting his life to public service . He faces many challenges in the years to come . The handover of responsibility has been handled impeccably and we wish him well in his future role .” Paddy Bradley , Chief Executive Officer , Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership


To commemorate the passing of Her Majesty , Elizabeth II , this edition ' s ' Is it me ?' is dedicated to the Queen and our new monarch , King Charles III .
@ ThringsLaw
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I ’ m writing this six days after the passing of our late Queen , Elizabeth II . As you would expect , much has been written about a quite remarkable lady and the tributes have been richly deserved . I even saw a clip of Boris Johnson suggesting that her late Majesty be referred to from now on as Elizabeth the Great and I suspect there would be few people disagreeing with that . For this column however I just wanted to say a few words about the Royal Family and in particular , King Charles . I don ’ t know about you , but I ’ ve been humbled by the stoic dedication the late Queen ’ s children and grandchildren have demonstrated .
In losing a parent the pain and sadness associated with the loss is hard , really hard . On top of the grief you ’ ve got a mountain of admin to get through . Bank accounts , utility bills , council tax , death certificates , undertakers , flowers , orders of service – the list and the associated misery is almost endless . Coupled with all of that you ’ re tired and worried about your loved ones and family and how they are feeling . Tough
times , right ? Over the last week or so we ’ ve witnessed a family going through all of the emotions of losing a cherished and muchloved matriarch , in the face of the world ’ s media , and with an admin list as long as our island ’ s coastline .
In a time of sorrow , the Royal Family have held themselves together in a way which would have made our late Queen , and His Highness the Duke of Edinburgh , incredibly proud . Duty , pomp , ceremony and circumstance . Thousands of miles travelled . Thousands of handshakes . Thousands of smiles and acknowledgements . Thousands of stiff upper lips . I just find the whole thing quite remarkable . When you then consider that our King , and the Queen Consort are both in their seventies it really is a marathon effort – they must be worn out and yet they go forward . That King Charles was able to front up to the global attention and address the nation , the Commonwealth and the world so soon after losing his mother , and with such eloquence , really struck a chord with me . Whether you ’ re a Royalist , a republican
or something in between you cannot help but have some admiration for him .
When this column lands , we will have already witnessed the state funeral of the Queen . Between now and then the Royal Family will have continued , as they always do , to push through these difficult times in the public gaze . They will have continued to share their very personal grief with the grief of a nation , which in itself must be a hard thing to do . I just hope that when the formalities are over and the Queen is reunited with her husband , that the Royal family are given time to grieve and reflect on a wonderful mother , grandmother and great grandmother in the way that you or I could .
For now , and for the future , God save the King .
John Davies , Senior Corporate Partner , Thrings e : jdavies @ thrings . com t : 01793 412634