Dual Quali�cation for Partner Designate
Morris Owen are pleased to announce that , despite all of the difficulties over the last 6 months of coping with Coronavirus , Jenna Wheeler , who becomes a partner in the �rm on the 1 January 2021 , has successfully passed her exams to become a Chartered Tax Adviser – Jenna had already quali�ed as a Chartered Accountant a number of years ago .
Jenna becomes the sixth Chartered Tax Adviser at the �rm and provides recognition for the way in which the �rm works – the partners are pleased that the �rm are Chartered Accountants , Chartered Tax Advisers and Chartered Financial Planners .
Senior Partner David Bond commented “ It ’ s great news that Jenna has been successful in her Chartered Taxation studies - with her joining the partnership in January , she will become the third current partner of the �rm to be both a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Adviser . This will help us to ensure that the advice provided to clients continues to be technically sound , whilst at the same time fully recognising that advice needs to take into account our clients ’ commercial and practical requirements .”
Jenna said “ So much in advising clients involves helping to support them and giving them the all-round support that they need . With tax becoming ever more complex , adding this skillset will be bene�cial looking forward .” Talking about the exams themselves , Jenna added “ With all other exam delays this year I feel happy to have achieved this during what still is a difficult time .”
When Jenna hasn ’ t been studying this year , she has been making the most of the ‘ time at home ’ with her nearly two year old son and her much better behaved French Bulldog called Jax . www . morrisowen . com chartered accountants , business advisers and more …
Chartered accountants Business advisers Chartered tax advisers Independent �nancial advisers
Find out what makes Morris Owen more than just accountants
Contact Jenna Wheeler on 01793 603900 or email jenna . wheeler @ morrisowen . com
Registered to carry on audit work in the UK and licensed to carry out the reserved legal activity of non-contentious probate in England and Wales by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales . Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority . Registered with the Chartered Institute of Taxation as a �rm of chartered tax advisers .