The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 52: Dec/Jan 2020 | Page 11

SWLEP business community to manage the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on their economic viability and survival , as well as the EU exit process , are also critical elements of the Business Environment foundation in our Local Industrial Strategy . The Growth Hub team work to strengthen the competitiveness , agility and productivity of our SMEs by facilitating access to local and national mentoring and business leadership growth programmes . It also works to increase the resilience of our area ’ s economy by diversifying our business base in terms of size and sectors . This active business support programme is a positive aspect for our Inward Investment programme , working with both Swindon and Wiltshire councils to bring more UK based and foreign direct investment into the area . Register as a Growth Hub member for free . Sign-up by visiting : www . growthhub . swlep . co . uk
Working with local , national , public and private sectors , the Growth Hub team can access help from experts , specialists and funding options .
Funding and grants are needed now more than ever by SMEs . The Growth Hub ’ s relationships with the British Business Bank and the UK Business Angel Association can prove valuable in securing private sector investment .
In addition , its ongoing partnership with the Department for International Trade ( DIT ) to secure foreign investments and the Department of Business , Energy and Industrial Strategy ( BEIS ) to obtain funding could provide important opportunities for businesses across the region .
The Growth Hub has launched a fantastic Peer to Peer Network enabling businesses to learn from trusted peers and expert mentors . Collaborating with others with similar aims and ethos , such as Switch on to Swindon and the Salisbury Brand Positioning network , it aims to empower our local businesses to act as ambassadors for our area .
As part of the Government ’ s Kickstart scheme , the Growth Hub has also acted as a facilitator for local companies to provide placements for young people .
With an established network of businesses across Swindon and Wiltshire , Skills and Enterprise Adviser Amanda Peach , provides a single point of contact for businesses to access funded and non-funded training , skills and support for their workers to assist in training , development and indirectly retaining staff .
The Growth Hub aims to fully understand the needs of businesses within Swindon and Wiltshire in order to provide an up to date , useful and comprehensive range of support services .
Chris Stevens said , “ By understanding the needs of businesses , we are better able to support them and ensure that the Local Industrial Strategy is fit for purpose as well as regularly providing feedback to the Department of Business , Energy and Industrial Strategy . I am convinced that we are rapidly becoming the first point of call for business support in Wiltshire .”


We ’ ve made it through 2020 as society and as a business community , both having been stretched and challenged . It has been really difficult times , but we have also seen fantastic ways of working , pivoting and adapting for the market which has benefited society as a whole and enabled businesses to set out a viable future .
In 2021 , the vaccination programme will give life to all businesses and ways of life . I will be particularly pleased to see a vital boost to tourism , hospitality , arts and entertainment and our night-time economy which have all been hit badly by the Covid-19 emergency . We do need the continuing support from Government until our economy can regain its strength and energy . The world of 2021 will be a lot better than the world of 2020 .
We can take positivity and learning from seeing examples of humanity at its best . We have seen some amazing acts from both individuals and businesses this year who ’ ve reacted to the challenges we ’ ve faced in inspirational ways . We can learn from this and use it for our collective benefit throughout 2021 and beyond . We can build our economy through 2021 , setting solid foundations for a more prosperous 2022 .
Some sectors of our economy have grown with increased performance levels in 2020 . In reaction to the pandemic , we have also seen new jobs and new sectors developing . We have seen further evidence of the need for businesses to have a powerful digital platform to survive a roller-coaster economic upheaval caused by a global pandemic . It is reasonable to assume we will experience other global health crises and so building resilience through a strong and cyber-secure digital platform is a message for all of us . Digital does not mean a lack of the human touch . Many people have been scarred by the Covid-19 crisis and so an emotionally-aware customer focus will be to the fore in those businesses that seek to grow and embed themselves in the community around them .
The SWLEP starts 2021 continuing its support to businesses and individuals with training and development opportunities . We are keen to help young people and older adults move into training and jobs in sectors new to them as the market ’ s demand for jobs changes . We will continue to support our local business community through our Growth Hub and key projects , maintaining and nurturing our relationships to create a more prosperous Swindon and Wiltshire . We are always keen to hear from businesses in our area . We are constantly looking for ways to involve businesses in our activities and being part of our governance arrangements . We aim to have a 50:50 gender split on our Board by 2022 . We are not there yet so make contact if you are interested .
Wishing you a happy Christmas and a positive 2021 .
To get the latest information go to : growthhub . swlep . co . uk
Chris Stevens , Growth Hub Manager
Tim Burghes , Digital Marketing Manager
Claire Alexander , Director of Programmes
Visit the SWLEP online at : www . swlep . co . uk