The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 47: Feb/March 2020 | Page 34
10 Minutes with... Lauren Webb
Lauren is a family lawyer at the Swindon
branch of Bower Bailey Solicitors.
Lauren joined the Swindon office of Bower Bailey as a Paralegal in January
2017 and was soon offered a training contract. She qualified as a Solicitor
in March 2019 and now specialises in family law. We met with Lauren to
find out about her journey so far.
How did you find your first year?
My first year as a fully qualified solicitor
has been great. I have always been
given lots of responsibility at Bower
Bailey and that has only increased since
qualification. I currently have a wide
variety of cases ranging from financial
disputes within divorce proceedings to
contested Children Act matters including
contact disputes and leave to remove
proceedings. I am continuously supported
by a great matrimonial department who
are always on hand to provide any advice
or assistance.
Do you have any advice for anyone
completing their legal training at
the moment? OR thinking about
training to be a lawyer?
My biggest highlights have been achieving
good results for my clients both at Court
and through negotiation. On a personal
level, one of my biggest highlights has
been attending my Admission Ceremony
at the Law Society in London with my
family. I would advise anyone thinking about
training to be a lawyer to do lots of
research about what area of law they
would like to qualify into and what type of
firm they would like to work for. The firm
you work for can make a huge difference
to your levels of job satisfaction and your
career progression.
I would also advise anyone thinking about
being a lawyer that it is not like Suits! I would
suggest that any would-be lawyers try and
obtain work experience at a range of firms
and, if you think you might be interested in a
contentious area of law, to spend some time
in the public gallery of the Magistrate’s Court
or Crown Court in your area to see what
Court proceedings are really like.
What have been your
biggest learnings? Is there an on-going
training regime?
I have learnt that no two days as a solicitor
are the same! I have also learnt that time
management skills are really important
but you also need to be prepared to
completely change your entire plan for the
working day if there is an emergency. To
be a good solicitor I think you need to be
organised but also able to think on your Yes, all solicitors are required to keep
updated with the latest developments in
their specialist area. We are required to
keep a record of everything we do to make
sure our knowledge and skills are up to date
such as internal training days or attending
I have recently attended a specialist
What have been your
biggest highlights?
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01793 610466
feet and be flexible to accommodate the
needs of differing clients.
family finance conference where I got to
spend the whole day with other lawyers and
Judges discussing a range of subjects from
pre-nuptial agreements to pension sharing
on divorce.
What are you looking forward to
the most this year?
I am looking forward to doing more of
my own court advocacy and to organising
more internal events as well as attending
external networking events. This year
also marks 35 years of Bower Bailey’s
Swindon office so I am looking forward
to celebrating that achievement with my
Do you attend any
networking groups?
Yes; it’s always great to meet other
professionals in your area. I have
attended events ran by the Swindon Young
Professionals (SYP), the Junior Lawyers
Division for Gloucestershire and Wiltshire
as well as Swindon BID. At Bower Bailey
we always try to get involved in the local
community so we also sponsor a range
of local sports teams and as well as the
Swindon Recital Series at the Wyvern
Local expert legal advice for you,
your business and your family
• Accident and Injury
• Divorce and Children Matters
• Employment issues
• Commercial Property
• Company and Commercial
• House Sales, Purchases,
• Consumer and Civil Disputes • Wills and Estates
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Cambridge House,
4 College Court, Regent Circus,
Swindon, Wiltshire SN1 1PJ
T: 01793 610466
F: 01793 511505
06/11/2015 08:23