The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 46: Dec/Jan 2019 | Page 28

CREATIVE THINKING We work with many successful businesses in the region, sometimes on specific projects, like a website or a brochure, but also as the outsourced marketing team, delivering certain parts of their ongoing marketing. You may not be aware that outsourcing your marketing is an option. So, what is it? Well, you can outsource any aspect of your marketing. Say you want to ensure that an engaging blog is written every month or an informative e-newsletter is sent, you can outsource these activities and many more. Normally this is done on a traditional retainer- type arrangement, which can be very flexible. If your business is struggling to deliver effective marketing, your first thought may be to get some part-time help, to recruit a marketing manager or assistant, rather than look to outsource. So, what are the pros and cons of outsourcing? The downside with outsourcing is not having someone on-site, who can help with a large variety of tasks as time allows. The pros though are numerous. With outsourcing, you should get an entire marketing team, with all the design and technical skills needed to deliver professional marketing, typically for less than the price of a part-time employee. How so? Well because the reality is you don’t need one single person to help with your marketing, you need a small part of lots of different people with different skills… designers, developers, managers, copywriters and photographers. At Resolution we have the experienced team you need, ready to go. Our marketing retainers start from just £500 a month and run on a month by month basis, so you are not tied in. Initially, we identify the most effective approach and then deliver the activities that you don’t have the time or skills to do yourself. The outcome is that your marketing gets delivered when you want and to a great standard, so your business moves forward. Also, that nagging feeling goes away, you know the one you get when you haven’t written a blog or promoted a recent event or designed your monthly newsletter. Marvellous. Is outsourcing your marketing a good idea? For more information about Resolution Design and their work visit their website: W A N T B E T T E R R E S U LT S ? Say hello to your new creative marketing team G e t in touch and tran sf o rm y o ur marke t i n g 28 Business Exchange Slip Ad Nov.indd 1 01380 728898 | 04/11/2019 16:02