The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 45: Oct/Nov 2019 | Page 18

GOING GREEN TOP TIPS FOR MAKING YOUR OFFICE MORE GREEN 1st Office, the South West’s industry-leading document and print management solution specialists, give us their advice for boosting your office’s green credentials. It’s never been so important for businesses to re-evaluate their processes in order to become more environmentally friendly. The paper industry is closely associated with environmental issues such as deforestation which effects soil fertility, biodiversity and water quality. Not forgetting to mention the huge impact on CO2 emissions which directly contribute to global warming. Ink cartridges are also having a negative impact. Being difficult to recycle, approximately 90 million have found their way into landfill. These will take anything up to 1000 years to break down, in the meantime polluting the soil with chemicals which will have huge effects on the eco-system. So what can we do in our offices to reduce our printer’s environmental impact? USING RECYCLED PAPER To be honest, we think most of our customers are already being environmentally savvy and using recycled paper. However, for those of you yet to be converted, please think about swapping to a greener option. Not only is recycled paper forest friendly because less material is being used, but it also tends to be lighter than standard paper therefore your machine doesn’t have to use so much energy to produce a print. PAGE FORMATTING We all like to make our reports look good. Using the best fonts, highlighting and using bold text for headers. OK so it looks pretty but actually it’s not great for the environment. By reducing the size of the fonts you use, as well as limiting the use of bold text, you’ll be saving on ink and paper. This will allow you to fit more content on the page. Also, try where possible to print double sided which will again reduce your paper consumption. THE RIGHT TIME TO PRINT Photocopiers are constantly on the go – warming up for example uses an awful lot of energy. If you don’t need your prints immediately, why not implement a specific ‘print-run’ time in your office? Basically waiting and printing everything in one go. In the meantime, utilise your photocopier’s ‘standby mode’ which consumes very little energy. 1st Office Equipment Ltd is the largest independent print & document management solutions provider in the South West. INK CARTRIDGES Opt for a high capacity cartridge rather than standard. These high capacity cartridges are filled completely which mean less cartridges in landfill. HOW MANY PRINTERS!? It’s important that your business has the right number and right size printers and photocopiers for its needs. The extra cost of running multiple machines is not good for the environment and certainly not good for your pocket! You could save money and help protect the environment by re-evaluating and switching to a machine that best suits your needs. - FREE Print Management Audit providing you with a comprehensive overview of your print productivity and cost effectiveness. The latest in Print Security Software which enhances document protection and helps to eliminate data leakage in your business. Highly experienced Local Service Engineers and Technical Support Team who are manufacturer trained and just a phone call away. Tel: 0845 688 6868 18