The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 45: Oct/Nov 2019 | Page 16

GOING GREEN Funding to help businesses start their sustainability journeys Businesses in Wiltshire are being offered the chance to start their sustainability journey with a new funded programme, The Planet Mark Start! NATURAL SOLUTIONS TO MAN-MADE PROBLEMS In the rural village of Grittleton, just outside of Chippenham, is a pioneering family run business doing its bit to tackle the green agenda. Citadel Environmental Solutions (CES) has a number of trademarked Citadel Biocat+ products that provide natural solutions to man-made problems. The company works across four sectors; biogas, waste water, agriculture and bioremediation. With 25 projects active in 10 countries, the CES product range includes applications for augmentation of irrigation, fertigation and feed water in agriculture as well as and the removal of complex hydrocarbons in effluents (in particular waste water and lagoons at food processing plants). CES is currently seeing particular growth and success with its Citadel Biocat+2 waste water product, working with the food processing industry, farmers and the construction industry. Henry Madders, Commercial Director at Citadel Environmental Solutions said, “Biocat+2 is a 100% natural microorganism that enhances the breakdown of suspended solids, COD (chemical oxygen demand) and BOD (biological oxygen demand). “Most suspended solids (SS) are taken out with a Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) unit, Citadel Logos but the food processing plants then have to pay a penalty for each cubic metre of water they put down the drain to the waste water treatment plants. Each premises normally have a set parameter they have to work in 16 and pay for each band that the water gets discharged in. “CES, will put the equipment in for free, and supply three months of Biocat+2 for free to show the potential client what results we can achieve. We then work out what the saving to the company would be and we work on a percentage of that money saved. “With housing being a big topic at the moment, and with waste water treatment plants (WWTP) not being expanded to cope with the new infrastructure, companies are being fined more and more for what they are putting down the drain. And with Biocat+2 we can assist with lower COD & BOD or if a factory or food processing plant is looking to expand, we can achieve better results for the plants without any capital expenditure.” The key benefits of Citadel Biocat+2 include: • Energy savings • Elimination of odour • Reduction of high COD • Increased nitrification and denitrification • Reduced sludge production Citadel’s Biocat+ 2 product is known to successfully reduce COD values by over 50%. To find out more visit: com call 01249 782073 or email: [email protected] With the rise of the Extinction Rebellion movement and UK Government voting on a Climate Emergency, the time has come for businesses to get serious about tackling their sustainability impact. If global temperatures rise above 1.5°C over the next 12 years, humans will face unprecedented climate-related risks and weather events. We are currently on a path of a 3-4°C increase. However, meeting carbon reduction doesn’t have to be bad news for business. In a recent report, the Committee on Climate Change noted that in the UK since 1990 there has been a 44% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions alongside a 75% increase in real gross domestic product. Clean growth is clearly achievable and it should matter to businesses both large and small. Project Manager of The Planet Mark Start! Mike Harris said, “We are funded to help businesses in the West of England build their sustainability credentials. We constantly come across business owners who hide their green policies on the last page of their website or perhaps don’t even mention what they’re doing at all! The time has come to change.” In terms of attracting new customers nearly 80% of consumers want to buy from ethical and environmental companies, but only 45% of businesses show their customers their green credentials. “Even if you work from home on a laptop there are steps to be taken to improve your business’ carbon impact. Usually this results in cost savings to help improve the bottom line, and by shouting about it in your marketing you should attract more customers as well – increasing turnover and profitability”. The Planet Mark Start! project has secured ERDF funding to help support those businesses in the region seeking to realise their green potential. They are also offering a few businesses the opportunity to get free coverage in the local media to promote their sustainability journey. “We have a few months left of the funding to help businesses achieve The Planet Mark Start! certificate. In addition, we are also looking to promote some of those businesses and talk about their journey in the media with secured coverage lined up in key publications across the South West.” To get involved all a business needs to do is contact the Planet Mark Start! team on [email protected] or call 0117 989 7053.