Invest in Secure Encryption and concentrate on what you do best
By Gareth Johnson , CIS
Each and every day it seems there ’ s a story in the news about new threats to your business . During the past year names such as WannaCry and Petya have become all too familiar as those within the enterprise and public sector suffered business disruption at the hands of ransomware and cybercriminals .
Who can forget the WannaCry attack upon the NHS in the UK which disrupted more than a third of its trusts and led to the cancellation of more than 6,900 patient appointments , according to figures from the National Audit Office . That ransomware attack was stopped within a few days , but more than 300,000 computers across 150 countries were affected before it was brought to a halt . Furthermore , the frequency of these attacks is set to increase to one every 14 seconds next year if figures from Cybersecurity Ventures are to be believed .
Although this represents just one aspect of policing the perimeter it really does put into perspective just how much firms have to think about when it comes to securing the business today and that ’ s before considering how you manage and police mobile devices and your IT inventory . After all , it ’ s not just those on the outside you need to consider .
Imagine being able to forget about that with secure encryption and modular services that protect your devices before they even boot up and that encrypts both these and the hard disk right down to individual folders and segments of data . Wouldn ’ t it also be wonderful if you could do this via a centralised management system that ensures seamless integration with existing IT infrastructure and meets FIPS 140-2 , the global security standard expected by all users ?
It ’ s actually easier than you think and with the correct encryption solutions deployed across the business , you can deliver measurable improvements to your bottom line whilst at the same time being able to reassure customers that they are taking the correct precautions when it comes to customer data and compliance .
CIS recognises that security can be difficult to understand . To help with any confusion and issues we offer modular support services that are available 9-5 and with emergency support 24 / 7 . We take data security very seriously and our secure encryption keys are held within a military-grade data centre .
For more information visit www . cisltd . com or email : Gareth . Johnson @ cisltd . com