The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 31: June/July 2017 | Page 33
BusinessWise members Anne Messer of Bespoke Training Services
and Lorraine Stevens of HR4Business have skills that complement
each others business.
After meeting at BusinessWise they saw a great opportunity
to bring their skills together to offer businesses – both large
and small – a one-stop package for managing their people
As they’ve got to know each other they’ve developed a
partnership to make the most of their skills and offer their
respective clients seamless solutions to issues around staff
training, personal development, recruitment and retention.
Bespoke Training Services, run by Anne, provides tailor
made learning solutions in leadership and management
development, personal effectiveness and executive coaching
to SMEs and corporate clients. HR4Business, run by Lorraine,
works with SMEs in providing HR support, recruitment and
training as well as offering Level A and B Psychometrics.
Recently they’ve put together a training and development
programme for a food manufacturer employing approx. 200
employees and an IT company with 180 employees.
In this case Anne and Lorraine designed a development
project for first line managers in order to provide the skills to
successfully manage their teams. It was made up of modules
over a six-month period, including a work based project to
tie the learning back to the needs of the business and was
specifically related to managing performance and developing
people through coaching.
The programme began with Lorraine delivering 360-degree
feedback to the participants with a view to each identifying
three or four areas for development. The point of this type
of work is that an individual’s perception of how they are
performing at work may be very different to how they are
perceived by colleagues.
This exercise gave the participants clear areas to work
on individually during their management development
programme, and it also gave the business a means of
measurement. In this case, one staff member learned he was
good at building relationships and supporting his team but he
needed to work at seeing things through.
Lorraine said “360-degree feedback is a powerful tool to
raise self-awareness, helping us to see our blind spots and
understand our relationships with different groups. What we
think we are doing or achieving – may not be what we are
actually doing or achieving in the eyes of our peers or our
managers. Accepting this is a key step towards development
especially for leadership roles.”
Anne said “We have found using a spaced learning
approach (spreading the learning over 6 months) builds in
lots of opportunity for the attendees to practice their skills
between sessions and therefore brings about lasting and
positive behavioural change.”
Both Anne and Lorraine can be found listed on the
BusinessWise website at
HR4 Business
Bespoke Training Services are offering
a FREE learning and development
assessment. HR4Business are offering a FREE
one hour consultation to advise and
support on your people matters.
For an appointment email:
[email protected] For an appointment email:
[email protected]
Let us help
spread the word
about your business
Member Benefits:
• Not for Profit Organisation
• Fees re-invested into the group
• Exclusive business category
• Opportunities for new business
across all sectors
• Low annual membership fee
If you are interested in visiting BusinessWise (all visitors
can come along free of charge), we meet on Friday
morning at 6.45am at Jury’s Inn, Swindon town
centre. We are run on a not-for-profit basis and, as a
non-competing group, one member will be the only
member representing his or her sector in the room.
We are currently looking for new members in these
Architecture Retail
Dentistry Opticians
Graphic Design
Restaurant or food industry
Fitness Sport
GP practice Education
If you would like to find out more – or come along
as a visitor, please visit our website or call the
BusinessWise Chair, Fiona Scott:
07789 270030
From left to right:
Anne Messer of Bespoke Training Services and Lorraine Stevens of HR4Business
For more info: