The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 24: April/May 2016 | Page 7
Carl Reader is author of The Start-up Coach, a Teach
Yourself title from publishers Hodder & Staughton and
director of d&t chartered accountants and strategic
advisors, based in Badbury near Swindon. This is the
first in a series of columns looking at business strategy
and growth.
I recently mentioned in a LinkedIn discussion
my ‘Five Stars of d&t model’, which garnered
some interest so I thought I would share with
you, what it is and how it guides what we do
every day.
Anyone who has studied business theory
will understand what I mean when I refer
to stakeholders. Simply put, stakeholders
are those who have a vested interest in any
entity. This could be the staff, the customers,
the suppliers, the local community... It is any
person or group that the business ‘touches’.
It’s important to be conscious of all of them,
but for me it is even more important to know
who the key stakeholders are so that you can
ensure that your vision, your strategy, and
your day-to-day operations fulfill their needs.
So, who or what are your five stars?
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Top of the star: Our staff
We are a people business. Business is ‘human
to human’, not B2B or B2C. We all know
that people buy from people, not from
corporations. So it is vital that we ensure our
most important asset, our team, is at the
forefront of everything we do.
Next layer: Our customers
and our markets
Lets start with our customers. It might
seem obvious, but it is important for every
business to recognise that their customers are
ultimately the ones who pay the bills and the
wages. Without delivering an excellent service
to them, we won’t be paying the bills. It’s
that simple. So, we need to make sure that
we deliver value, rather than looking to make
profit. If we get that right, the profit will
follow. If instead we look to maximise profit,
the value will suffer, and the clients will walk.
It goes against everything that traditional
bean counting rules might suggest, but really,
we aren’t traditional bean counters.
Secondly, our markets. I’ve long been
an advocate of focusing on a narrow niche
rather than adopting a wide scattergun
approach. You simply cannot be all things
to all people. Once your markets are
defined, you need to live and breathe those
markets. Attend the events. Learn the
lingo. Understand market trends. And most
importantly, share what you learn and help
others reach their goals. (And top tip: SME’s
aren’t a “niche”).
And the last two: Our industry,
and our community
I believe that we have an obligation to
stretch our own industry to serve the nation's
customers as best as possible. We simply
cannot sit back and let our fellow service
providers continue to charge what they
want, when they want. We cannot let the
industry continue to offer expensive humanintervened solutions that technology can
automate for minimal cost. We cannot let
them continue to damage the reputation of
our industry, and in turn us. So to do my bit, I
regularly contribute to the trade press with a
blog, providing disruption ideas to those who
may not see another way of doing things. It
might anger them, it might scare them, but
hopefully they will learn at least one thing
that will improve what their stakeholders
receive from them.
Finally, we have our community. I am
a very strong advocate of a low tax, high
charity culture. I guess it’s my underlying
capitalist views, alongside my good nature,
that believes we shouldn’t be dictated to
with respect to how we help those in need,
but everyone deep down should contribute
to those in need. A political debate is not
the purpose of this column, but sharing my
view on who the important stakeholders are
in our organisation is. So, we make sure that
we give back where we can make impact to
those in need.
Follow Carl on Twitter @CarlReader and
watch his series of business videos here:
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