The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 24: April/May 2016 | Page 29

IS IT ME? IS IT ME? John Davies is a senior corporate partner at leading commercial law firm Thrings. In each edition of TBE John addresses a topical news or business-related issue. In this issue John discusses the annoying rise of the 'Overliker'. Better? Worse? Your call. So my previous musings about whether or not we should stay in Europe caused quite a kerfuffle. Some of the song titles you came up with were superb although the various suggestions did carbon date some readers – the 70s and 80s proved a very fertile era. Some of you, however, need to get out more. Thrings @ThringsLaw This month I thought I’d write about something a little more personal which really gets my goat. I know I can occasionally come across as a cantankerous old man, but when did the word ‘like’ become so popular? It’s everywhere, as though people have caught some kind of nasty virus. People have become Overlikers. On behalf of the grumpy crowd – please stop! There is no other word in the English language which makes even the most intelligent among us sound so daft. It’s everywhere and it’s ridiculous. At least it is to me. “There is no word in the English language which makes even the most intelligent among us sound so daft” read what those clever folk said and I was, like, no way. And I told my friend and he was, like, I know, right? And it was like we were, like, of one mind. And I said I’m going to, like, write about this because it’s, like, getting on my nerves. If you’re an Overliker do me a favour. Read the last few sentences. Now read them again out loud. You see? It sounds ridiculous. Then again, I could be wrong – perhaps you think that I’m being ridiculous? If that’s the case then I’ll, like, get back in my box. Apparently language professors have argued that it’s used as a modern day sentence filler, in the way ‘um’ or ‘err’ is often used. They’ve also claimed it’s a way of demonstrating you’re part of a group. Well, I’m no professor, but I am easily annoyed and to me that sounds like (used correctly) social anthropology gone mad. I John Davies e: [email protected] t: 01793 412634 28 April 2016 Banks BHG Charity Quiz Night To raise money for our chosen charity of the year Julia's House we will be hosting our popular Charity Quiz Night at the Village Hotel Swindon. Our Forthcoming Events All our events are complimentary, open to all and are hosted at our offices in Swindon. 12 April 2016 Friends of Auto Enrolment Meeting During our next Friends of AE meeting, we are planning to run an 'Auto Enrolment Surgery' for any local business owners to attend to get free advice and help on AE. Our drop-in surgery will run from 12pm to 1.30pm where you will be able to obtain free expert advice from all who attend the meeting - HR professionals, Employee Benefit specialists, AE Companies, IFA's, Pension Providers, Payroll Software providers, and Payroll Professionals. Julia’s House are in the process of building a new children’s hospice in Devizes which will provide crucial respite care services to life-limited children and their families - so please join us in raising money for this worthwhile cause! £5.00 per head; maximum of 4 people per team To book your team, please contact [email protected] or call 01793 839977 and ask for Tracey. 11 May 2016 Open Networking Breakfast Our popular breakfast networking events are designed to give you an opportunity to meet and widen your own network of customers and suppliers. A relaxed and friendly atmosphere with coffee, tea and bacon rolls - it's a great start to the day! For further details and to book your place please visit our website or contact Claire Hunt on 01793 839977 Professional Successful Efficient Effective THE BUSINESS EXCHANGE 2016 29