The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 24: April/May 2016 | Page 15

HILLS WASTE LAUNCHES FOOD WASTE RECYCLING SERVICE A new food waste collection and recycling service has been introduced by Swindon-based Hills Waste Solutions. Launched in February, the service is available across the county to all businesses, not just those involved in food production and hospitality, as any factories, shops and offices generating food waste can benefit. Gary McKinnon, divisional director at Hills, said: “Any business that produces or generates food waste, however minimal, is an ideal candidate for this service. “By recycling food waste businesses reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill, saving expensive landfill tax costs, and instead their waste becomes a valuable resource that is recycled using anaerobic digestion to generate energy for the National Grid.” Businesses that sign-up to the new service are provided with a purpose built 120 litre or