The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire April Edition | Page 17

EXCALIBUR - TECHNOLOGY Communications and IT for Business It’s more important than ever to protect your business data. As a minimum, you should have the following elements covered to protect your data… Device Management Mobiles, tablets, laptops, if these were to become lost or stolen you need a back-up plan. Passcodes are a minimum requirement but remote wiping is a better solution. the excalibur tech report Security & Protection The modern business is a place where machines, people, information and ideas cross boundaries and connect. While this is great news for productivity and collaboration, it presents huge security risks. From network & device security and proactive monitoring, to anti-virus and encryption. With just over 20 years in the industry, we’ve seen security threats and challenges evolve and increase in number, especially with ‘Bring your Own Device’ (BYOD) popular in a lot of workplaces. Educating employees as to the potential risks out there and what they can do to help is a must, but Excalibur can offer you the advice and implement solutions to fully protect what’s yours. Anti-virus Protection Protect your business against email threats and make sure it’s always up to date. 96% Anti-Spam On average 60% of all emails are spam, one click on a malicious link is all it takes to bring down a network. Web Filtering Identifying suspicious URL’s and unsecure websites is essential when employees are browsing and purchasing online. Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan for the worst and then you’re always covered. Mitigate the risk and minimise potential repercussions. 66% t ExcaliburCommunications 76% Source: Verizon 2013 DBIR 93% Of all web attacks, 93% are a result of a malicious URL, making this the most popular method of attacks on computers. Source: Kapersky 2013 85% of organisations have most of their intellectual property and sensitive data stored in their datacentre/network.Source: BYOD & Mobile Security report 2013 10% 85% Less than 10% of organisations are “fully aware” of the devices accessing their network. Source: Enterasys survey 81% of Employees use at least one personally owned device for business use. 81% Source: Enterasys survey 10 @ExcaliburCom ExcaliburCommunications 66% of data breaches take months to be discovered and it's usually by someone outside the organization. Weak or stolen credentials account for 76% of network intrusions, and over 50% use some form of hacking. 01793 744286 w Source: Symantec study Source: Verizon 2013 DBIR VPN If employees are accessing your network remotely, it’s important to protect it with a secure connection. Find out more... of lost smartphones were accessed by the finders of the devices A Phishing campaign with more than 10 e-mails sent is almost guaranteed to generate at least one click with executives and managers at top the list of those identified as targets. Source: ThreatSim £2m The Average cost of one data breach for UK companies is £2m. Source: Symantec study 2013 Talk to us today and we’ll assess your current situation and offer you a future proof plan to safeguard your business data. Call 01793 744286 ExcaliburCommunications THE BUSINESS EXCHANGE 2013 2014 april-security-business-exchange.indd 1 TBE APRIL 14 Rev 4.indd 17 17 28/03/2014 17:36 04/04/2014 15:15