Bath BID ’ s support for the Indies
By Ben Howlett , Conservative MP for Bath
I am pleased the Government has listened to calls from myself and others to support small Bath businesses in the Spring Budget . The Chancellor announced measures including £ 3.6 billion in transitional relief to support businesses during the business rate revaluation . I wrote a letter to the Chancellor ahead of the Budget to urge him to look at Bath as a special case due to the vital contribution independent shops give to the city .
Louise Prynne , Chair of Bath Business Improvement District ( BID ) says it ’ s vital to support independents .
As retail guru Mary Portas recently said , the secret of retail is to create a destination in order to generate footfall . It ’ s all about the ‘ why ’ as opposed to the ‘ what ’. This is particularly true for Bath and is the reason the city is such a respected and successful retail destination .
While we have a healthy community of nationally recognised stores and brands , Bath would not be the destination it is if it weren ’ t for the community of independents that give the city ’ s retail landscape character and all-important variety . Quite simply , Bath avoids the pitfalls of becoming a ‘ clone town ’ because of its independent retailers , so it is vital for the ongoing success of the city that we continue to appreciate and support our independents .
The Bath Business Improvement District ( BID ) is acutely aware of the role independents play in ensuring Bath remains a distinctive shopping destination . While many independent businesses in Bath fall below the threshold whereby they are obliged to pay the BID levy , we still ensure we have a focus on activity that supports all independents , such is their value to the overall picture and our larger levy paying businesses .
We regularly hold meetings with BID Board directors who represent the city ’ s small business to discuss how BID activity can support this sector .
Within our levy paying community some 33 % ( 209 of 647 ) are independent businesses generating 17 % of our income . Of these , 86 are retailers , 70 are leisure outlets , and 50 are office , professional and creative services . So within the BID independents represent a significant presence and an asset .
To support these the BID works closely with B & NES Council and commercial landlords in the city to benchmark Bath against comparator locations . The BID also works to support focused promotions to drive footfall throughout the city and lobbies for enhanced and affordable transportation in and out of Bath . Businesses whose rateable value is below the £ 25,000 levy threshold have the opportunity to join the BID as voluntary levy payers and take advantage of the BID ’ s services , especially it ’ s award winning trade waste scheme , as well as the free BID Ranger cleansing , fast response and handyman services .
The BID is committed to supporting all BID businesses large and small , including our community of independents to ensure Bath continues to thrive and be enriched by the individuality of their offer .
Alongside the £ 3.6 billion transitional relief , there will be a £ 435 million package meaning that businesses coming out of Small Business Relief will have their increases capped at £ 50 per month in 2017-18 . Local Authorities will also receive a further £ 300 million to target individual hard cases in the area . I hope the transitional arrangements will make the changes easier for Bath businesses . I will be sitting down with the Council to encourage them to use the funding to help those businesses in Bath that need extra help with the transition .
In other positive news for Bath businesses , in early March I welcomed a variety of Bath food and drink producers to Parliament to show off their wares in a ‘ Taste of Bath ’ event . It was a great success with people in Parliament enjoying Bath products which included pistachios , chocolate , local cheese , tea and wine . We were joined by fellow Somerset MP Jacob Rees Mogg , as well as the Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs .
This was a great opportunity to show off what Bath & North East Somerset has to offer for those who want to support British produce as well as encouraging everyone to take a trip to the region . The area is a fantastic place to visit , with the unique spa town as well as an excellent independent business
From left to right : Ben Howlett MP , Andrea Leadsom , Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs , Jo Johnson , Minister for Universities and Helen Rich , Taste of Bath
sector . I know the Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs was very impressed with the wide variety of independent businesses in Bath & North East Somerset . For more info : www . benhowlett . co . uk
01225 311422 @ ben4bath
For more info : www . bathbid . co . uk
From left to right : Jane Hope-Johnstone , Pistachio Provenance , Richard Graham MP , Jess , Bath Cheese , Jacob Rees Mogg MO , Teahuggers and Ben Howlett MP