The Business Exchange Bath & Somerset Issue 25: Autumn 2022 | Page 15

We also offer a great solution to those affected by sports injuries . Athletes and local sports people alike get injured . Our experienced physiotherapy team diagnoses , treats and develops strength programmes to enable our patients to return to activity .
We treat all injuries to soft tissue such as muscle , ligament and tendon , with conventional hands-on physiotherapy and deep soft tissue massage , alongside therapies including shockwave , acupuncture and nutrition . Plus of course , we have MBST ® treatment to support the healing process when a boost is needed .
What is the most common ailment ? Julia : Arthritic knees and hips plus spinal disc problems are our most popular treatments .
Are you working with local sports people / teams ? Paul : Yes , we have had many sportspeople visit our clinic over the past two years . Often the result of an impact injury but also because of wear and tear conditions caused by many years of repetitive load . We have also assisted the recovery of a number of high-profile professional athletes from football and rugby , plus local athletes from the University of Bath .
Are you seeing results ? Julia : Yes , most definitely . It is such a pleasure to watch patients go through the MBST ® treatment process and see the difference it makes to their quality of life . In the vast majority of cases , people experience a reduction in pain and inflammation resulting in improved mobility . This enables patients to increase their exercise and maintain a healthy weight which has a really positive effect on mental health .
Occasionally people do not respond to treatment , but this is very rare . The level of improvement can vary hugely . For some , it is a case of managing their symptoms and making them more comfortable and for others it is literally life-changing , enabling patients to reduce their medication and live a much better quality of life .
How is At The Core different from other rehabilitation clinics ? Paul : We are the only clinic in Bath to offer the revolutionary MBST ® treatment technology ( one of only 13 clinics in the
UK ). MBST ® therapy is a wonderful adjunct to the hands-on treatment applied by conventional physiotherapy . At The Core combines physiotherapy with MBST ® treatment to offer the very best conditions for optimal recovery .
What have been the highlights of the first two years in business ? Julia : Changing people ’ s quality of life , without doubt . One 82-year-old man arrived in a wheelchair as he was in too much pain to walk . A month later , he was able to dance the first dance at his wedding !
What ’ s the biggest thing you ’ ve learnt ? Paul : In this industry you have to be open-minded to new technologies . Challenge yourself to find new ways to get better results . Also , every patient has their own unique pathway back to fitness so make it personal and go with it .
What are your future plans ? Paul : We have already opened a second clinic in London in Primrose Hill . We would like to expand the Bath clinic and perhaps open more clinics across the UK .
Developed in Germany over 20 years ago and having delivered more than a million hours of treatment to over 170,000 patients , The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence ( NICE ) have recently reported ' no safety concerns ' associated with MBST ® therapy here in the UK . A scoping study by the College of Radiographers identified reduced pain and improved mobility in patients with osteoarthritis following a course of MBST ® therapy medical professionals and consultants here are embracing the benefits of MBST ® technology in support of bone and musculoskeletal conditions .
At The Core can be found at : Unit 3 , The Foundry , Beehive Yard , Walcot Street , Bath , BA1 5BT
Call :
01225 461205
Email :
info @ thecore . health
Visit :
www . atthecore . health