The Business Exchange Bath & Somerset Issue 21: Autumn 2021 | Page 20

Benefits Benefits . Challenges . Challenges . .

Are youAre prepared you prepared for for

Benefits Benefits . Challenges . Challenges . .

Solutions . .

Download Download our FREEour 20-page FREE 20-page guide guide datasharp-ic datasharp-ic . co . uk / hybrid-working-eguide . co . uk / hybrid-working-eguide
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Over the last year and a half , businesses have worked hard to adapt to the challenges of remote working , with many investing in new technology to keep communications flowing . The business response to the pandemic has demonstrated that , with the right tools , employees can work from home and , for the most part , are happy to .
With a ‘ return to normal ’ now on the horizon , many businesses will opt for a mixture of remote working and office working , commonly referred to as ‘ Hybrid Working .’
Business leaders recognise the benefits of adopting hybrid working , including reduced travel costs , fewer sick days , higher productivity and a better work-life balance .
With leading organisations like Nationwide and PWC announcing their intention to adopt a hybrid working model , other businesses are expected to follow suit . At the beginning of ‘ the great remote working experiment ’, businesses rushed to acquire new technology that would enable remote working . But will the technology that
has served businesses well throughout the last year continue to work effectively when employees work from the office once again ?
For the most part , the answer is yes , but with some important caveats .
Here are just some of the most frequent questions we ’ re asked when talking to clients who are planning a return to the office :
• Will office communications systems that were in place pre-pandemic , continue to provide a return on investment ?
• How can we ensure the security of our company network when some staff split their time between working from the office and working at home ?
• Can we connect our existing meeting room equipment to our chosen video meetings platform ?
• How can we ensure we make the best possible use of the office space we have and ensure employee working environments are safe ?
Our knowledge and experience of the everchanging communications marketplace combined with long-standing relationships with best-in-class technology providers have allowed us to gain insight into the challenges that lay ahead .
Now , we ’ ve distilled that insight into a 20 page guide entitled “ How To Prepare Your Business For Hybrid Working ”.
In this comprehensive and practical guide , we discuss the benefits of the hybrid working model , examine the operational challenges that need to be addressed and offer solutions to help your business adopt this new way of working .
The guide is free and available for immediate download here : datasharp-ic . co . uk / hybrid-working-eguide
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