The Business Exchange Bath & Somerset Issue 21: Autumn 2021 | Page 19


Emerging employment risks in the ‘ new normal ’ workplace

By Ian Sandham , Mark Richard Insurance
Employers have had many adjustments to make since the start of the coronavirus pandemic , and there still may be more to come . Even as the UK begins to reopen fully and return to life somewhat resembling pre-Covid conditions , it ’ s important for organisations to realise that things have changed .
Many changes in organisations ’ daily operations will have sizable effects on various workplace exposures and liabilities . Potential issues that may need to be addressed could stem from building closures during the pandemic or the ongoing utilisation of remote work . Whether employees are returning to a traditional work environment or continuing to work remotely , employers are responsible for their health and safety . Even an employee who develops a health problem while working full-time from home could file an employers ’ liability claim .
Some questions employers should consider asking themselves include :
• Have all employees been provided with appropriate equipment to maintain good ergonomics ?
• Do managers communicate regularly
with remote employees to notice and provide support for various issues , such as feelings of isolation or burnout ?
• Have building inspections and equipment maintenance and testing remained up to date during the pandemic ?
Increased cyber attacks targeting home workers It ’ s worth noting that the coronavirus pandemic has also had an impact on cybersecurity . Covid-19 forced many organisations to improvise and expand their use of technology to accommodate remote and hybrid working arrangements . Even though the conditions surrounding Covid-19 may now make it possible for workers to return to a traditional work environment , remote working is still expected to continue in many cases .
Remote workers may be seen as easier targets for cyber-criminals , but many organisations have not yet taken the necessary steps to protect themselves from these new or enhanced cyber-threats . In the past 12 months :
• Deployment of security monitoring tools has reduced from 40 - 35 %.
• User monitoring has reduced from 38-32 %
• Up-to-date malware protection has decreased from 83 -78 %
Comprehensive work-from-home guidelines Using personal devices to conduct business is an easy way to compromise usernames and passwords . Employers should set clear guidelines regarding acceptable technology to use ( often a work-provided laptop ) and work locations . For instance , cafes may be off-limits because they often have unsecured networks .
Employee education Education and training are perhaps the best protections against cyber-threats . Employees should know basic cyber-security tactics , such as how to spot a phishing email , how to recognise a scam caller and how to report a potential security breach . They should also be instructed to not reuse login credentials , especially between work accounts and personal accounts . Start educating employees about cyber security today to better protect your organisation . Contact us for more cyber-tips and other workplace guidance .
ians @ markrichard . co . uk 0117 947 9514
For more info : www . markrichard . co . uk

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