twist on you. If you like that kind of
thing that is great. I know many
artist that like cracks and twists,
they say it adds to the character of
the art piece.
Here are step by step instructions
for the wood turner and the flat
work artist. When you get your
Madrone burl or straight grain in
the mail there are some steps
you need to follow.
Unpack your Madrone as soon as
you get it. If you will not get to it
ASAP submerge the Madrone in
water. This will assure it will not
crack. Don’t assume it will sit on
the shelf for a couple of days.
Madrone cannot crack under
water. Note: you may put some
bleach in the water to slow down
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the bacteria if you do not like mineral stains but it
will not stop it forever. You have about 2 months
if you keep fresh bleach in the ݅ѕȸ