the Internet age, can occur publicly
or privately (only known to the target
and the person bully involved).
Cyber bullying, which is often
conducted by “keyboard warriors”,
can include: abusive or hurtful texts,
emails or posts, images or videos,
deliberately excluding others online,
nasty gossip or rumors, imitating
others online or using their log-in
details to create false accounts where
hurtful of humiliating content is
posted. The main feature of a cyber
bully is, of course, his/her cowardice.
They do not have the courage or
conviction or express their anger or
cruelty in real life, but within the
safety of the online environment,
they do immense harm to their
victims – often in the most offensive
language possible.
It is time that we, as a society, take
bullying seriously. We need to be
alert and to identify both the victims
of bullying and the bullies, because
both need special care, guidance
and love.
It is important for all parents to make
sure that your kids understand that
you will not tolerate any form of
bullying, at home, at school, or
anywhere else. Take time to learn
about your children's social life and
to teach them to treat others with
respect and kindness. Encourage
good behavior and set a good
example. When your child is being
bullied, talk to his teacher about it
and do not confront the bully's
parents. Teach your children non-
violent ways to deal with bullies, like
walking away, playing with friends, or
talking it out.
Avoid encouraging them to fight or
to solve violence with violence. Most
importantly, nurture your children's
sense of self-worth and guide them
to behave with self-confidence at all
times and in all situations. They are,
after all, children of the King.
Rev. Winkle e Mckie
The BrighterLife Magazine | Page 06
Unveiling the truth may hurt and
because of its effect on a particular
topic of discussion or argument it may
even prove difcult. philosopher, Marcus Aurelius, said,
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a
fact. Everything we see is a perspective,
not the truth.
In human history, a great deal has been
said about a great number of things and
a great deal still has to be said.
However, the truth is, in all statements,
comments, articles and opinion, we
tend to hang on to the words and beliefs
accepted by the majority even when
these appear to be lies. This makes it
difcult to reveal the actual truth and,
therefore, it is often twisted, hidden in
the chaotic mass of popular beliefs,
buried, forgotten and lost forever. Most opinions about a particular group
have originated as a result of the single act
of an individual or the continuous
misconduct of a selected group. The fact
that one member of a family is labelled as
a thief, does not mean that all members of
that family are thieves. The truth behind
this lie is that the entire family is viewed
from the perspective of "thieves" because
of the stigma that very individual has
brought to the name of that family.
Let us say, for example, John's brother
steals a camera from the market and gets
caught. If john is to pass through that
market days later, those who have
witnessed the crime will probably refer to
Johan as "the boy whose brother stole the
camera days ago". Does this mean that
John actually is a thief? Although the
answer is clearly "no", Johns peers may
still label him as a thief and may not want
to be associated with him because of his
brothers crime. Does this make it right? I
am sure that you will agree with me that
this is not right. In fact, Johns label as a
thief is an example of the truth being
The truth is, however, that these are twisted by opinions. If John is to be seen
nothing but opinions. As the Roman and accepted for who he truly is, in spite
Let us take the “black race" as an
example. In the course of history, the
black race has experienced severe
malicious and unabated degradation
and endless opinions have been
expressed about black people all over
the word. The majority of the opinions
involve the stereotyping of blacks
being known for their criminal and
fraudulent activities and laziness, just
as Middle Eastern people are
stereotyped as violent and white people
as racist.