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pleasure from unleashing their cruelty and wrath on the “weak”. To make things worse, they are often feared or praised by their on- lookers and supporters. There are many forms of bullying – those that can be identified easily and those that are more subtle and almost unidentifiable. BULLYING A SHAMEFUL ACT I was only three years old when I tried to end my life for the first time – because I was the victim of severe bullying. It was only when I reached the age of fifteen that I finally gave up on my futile attempts to end my life. By that time, I had cut both my wrists and I had even tried to starve myself. I went out at night, hoping that someone would kill me. I can remember the first time I tried to end it all. I was hurting so badly that I even wet myself. I waited for a passing car and ran straight into it and, although I was hit, I survived the “accident”. If not handled correctly, the effects of bullying can be long-lasting or even permanent. Ever since basic school, kids had always bullied me, because I was considered to be dunce (i.e. someone who is seen as stupid or slow at learning). I had no friends. Everyone, including my sisters, avoided me and, in this way, I became totally isolated. I cried endlessly, but without a support system, there was no solution. The teachers ignored me too and did not do anything to support me. This single act caused me to feel intensely The BrighterLife Magazine | Page 05 rejected for years. Even now, I tend to withdraw at times, keeping myself from participating in things – simply because I don't want people to see that I am dyslexic. I am afraid to relive the horror of my childhood years. The fact that an individual or a group can cause such severe harm to someone is, in itself, a shameful act. Bullying, which is not a new phenomenon, resembles a lion and its prey. Lions usually kill their prey by strangling it, biting down on the animal's throat or its mouth and nose, resulting in quick death. A bully also attacks swiftly and powerfully, inflicting emotional and or physical damage to their victims. Bullying involves a distinctive pattern of harming and humiliating others – specifically those who are in some way smaller, weaker, younger, or more vulnerable than the bully. The adverse consequences of bullying for the victim/s is disturbing. The victims often displays lack of self-esteem, loss of self-confidence, social isolation, depression, suicidal tendencies, decreased academic performance and absenteeism from school, work, or social activities. Bullies consider themselves to be strong and untouchable and they derive great The most common types of bullying include physical bullying, verbal bullying, social bullying and cyber bullying. Physical bullying, which includes hitting, kicking, tripping, pinching and pushing or damaging personal property, causes both short-term and long- term damage to the victim. Verbal bullying includes name-calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks and other types of verbal abuse. Although verbal bullying may start off harmless, it can escalate to levels with severe effects on the individual target. Social bullying, sometimes referred to as covert bullying, is often harder to recognize and can be carried out behi nd the victim's back. It is designed to harm someone's social reputation and/or cause humiliation. Social bullying includes: lying and spreading rumours, negative facial or physical gestures, menacing or contemptuous looks, playing nasty jokes to embarrass and humiliate, mimicking unkindly, encouraging others to socially exclude someone and damaging someone's social reputation or social acceptance. Cyber bullying, which is a phenomenon of