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Presiding Bishop, DR. GE GORDON SR.
Our ministry primary focus has been to work of the Branch to organize religious
help men face their demons, drug groups ; enlist the support of religious
addiction and their mistakes in life.
groups for membership, equality and full
civil rights, and provide resource assistance
We also teach them to take responsibility for religious education and social action
for their actions. This includes but not activities.
limited to taking ownership of their
destiny and walk through life with We have introduced "No Double Jeopardy
respect. We maintain a lifestyle that is Jobs Program" Many of our citizens both
pleasing to God, themselves, the women male and female have been behind bars or
in their lives and be a role model in the otherwise caught up in the system. Our
new program helps to prepare them for
employment with re-education and
Promote education programs designed reclamation to society.
to give moral and ethical interpretation
to the civil rights struggle; interpret the W e a l s o w a n t t o h e l p e m p l o y e r s
Kingdom Level Radio
understand there is time for change and
forgiveness. We have aligned with
property owners to help give the
opportunity for decent housing and
home ownership.
To our friends who defended us on any
and all battl e fields we extend our hands
to you. I can't begin to understand but I
respect what you've done for all of us. I
will line up whatever you need to try to
make you whole again. God leads me
and told me... "If you Go with me, You
will grow with me”..
I had gone by my cousin's place last weekend and I
was downstairs when I overheard my son coughing.
Intuitively, I asked him to come downstairs and he
obeyed. When he got to where I was, all I heard him
say was "mum, I can't breathe". Before I could
comprehend what was going on, Teni passed out and
his eyes rolled backwards. Everything happened so
Promptly, I called 911 and reminding the devil that
death was not Teni's portion, poured a shot of the
anointing oil into his mouth just before the ambulance
arrived. The paramedics got to work as soon as they
arrived. First they used the defibrillator but there was
no shakeable rebate (no heartbeat). My son had no
pulse, no vital signs, no heartbeat... He was getting
rushed to the hospital while a second ambulance was
called to take me to the hospital they were taking him.
The paramedics told me they did CPR on their way to
the hospital but he was still unconscious. However,
they did notice that one of his foot moved even while
The BrighterLife Magazine | Page 26
he remained unconscious. On my way to the hospital, I called
Pastor Jide and he prayed with me. Pastor Osunde and Teni's
Children Church teachers also prayed with me and I knew
without a shadow of a doubt that God was going to overturn
every verdict of death against my son.
As I got to the hospital, reminded God that Pastor Jide had
said he was not sent to Toronto to bury any of us. I reminded
him of his promises of protection in Psalm 91 and suddenly,
the God of the liberation mandate showed up. The doctors
were going to use a breathing device on Teni but they did not
have to. Two hours after the enemy struck, my son came back
to life.
After his brain had stayed without oxygen for 2 hours, the
doctors expected a memory loss but Teni answered every
question he was asked accurately. The Doctors call him a
miracle. At Sick Kids, they call him a Champion and follow-up
visits to therapists and cardiologist have confirmed that Teni
is healthy and perfectly well. I give God all the glory.