Meditation on God’s word
iii. Identify a Need
iv. Simplify an existing process or
v. Adapt another Idea
vi. Create a Need
vii. Get exposure
I am going to start out by talking about
the mountain that no longer exist!
We no longer have mountains to climb,
we have been elevated in the Spirit of
When we are seated in heavenly places
with Christ Jesus, the Mountains are as
plain, the valleys are as plain, all is level
playing ground from this position.
A sage once said there is something
more powerful than the armies of this
world put together, and that is the idea
whose time has come. By God’s timing,
this is the moment for some powerful
ideas to break into the natural realm. At
least one is designed to come through
you. Act now; it’s your turn to succeed.
Sam Adeyemi is a Leadership Coach and
the Founder of Daystar Christian Centre,
Lagos. This reproduced article was
originally published on Linkedin which
can be found here.
The BrighterLife Magazine | Page 25
Yet, for those who have not changed
their position they may still have valley
lows and mountain top experiences.
The Father desires for all of us to be in
the same place, so I write in hope that
this word will be sprinkled with the
flavor of Jesus, to empower some and
strengthen others, that everyone of us
can rejoice together in a place of peace,
comfort, joy, love and authority in Christ
My faith is, that which I firmly believe in.
I started years ago challenging God if he
is real, he should reveal himself to me in
a way that only he can & he did, by filling
me with the Holy Ghost of promise over
25 years ago. When I began to speak in
an unknown tongue, that was all the
proof I needed, that this God I was
praying to was for real. There was a
time in my life I wondered within, if the
jerking and shouting in church I was
witnessing was real or just an act. I
needed to know if I was to continue
attending church services or stop
because i wasn't really feeling impacted
or loved. So I embarked on a journey of
"Show me yourself". From that day
even until now it has been a journey of
revelations & impactful experiences that
only God could have orchestrated.
I finally knew him for myself, & not just
the God my mother believed & talked
about but the God that I had a personal
encounter. This is so needful in our
churches today "having a personal
encounter with God". Most of us today
are believing in the God of our fore-
fathers, yet never come to know him for
ourselves. The Samaritan woman met
Jesus at the well and did not recognize
who she was talking to until he had to
reveal himself to her. How many of us
would this happen to today should he
be standing before us?
His response was “YOU WORSHIP WHAT
believe what I have experienced for myself , I
believe the word of God because I have
experienced him and found him to be who
he says he is. Therefore, I can TRUST him. I
can put all of my hope and trust solely in
what I have seen, heard and experienced for
myself. I have concrete evidence of the God
in whom I serve. The bible says blessed are
they who Believe yet have not seen. This is
awesome to truly believe. The problem is
many do not really believe anymore, they are
losing hope, while some are in need of
tangible evidence. I believe that the Lord will
provide all the proof that we need. If we
Christians can minister to the greatest need
of people, they will easily believe once again.
We must learn to minister first to that need
and as the Lord provides for the need the
person being ministered to will know that it
was only God who ministered to him, & that
itself will make him believe & be convinced.
To sum it all up the mountain was crushed
because of my faith in Him. I no longer look
at my circumstances from that point of view
as if there is some huge mountain to bypass,
climb or speak to to be removed. It simply no
longer exist because of my personal
relationship with Jesus . Our personal
relationship with Jesus opens the bible and
truths that are hidden in plain sight. Our
personal relationship removes veils that have
yet to be removed from our eyes. Our self
will , pride of life , ill will , wrong motives will
hinder us from obtaining access to the
mysteries of God. God reveals his secrets to
those whom he can trust with them . As we
draw close to him he reveals things to us in
his word that were always there just hidden
in plain sight. We only need to be in right
relationship with him. Intimacy changes
everything. Seek
ye first the
kingdom of God
and in doing this
everything else
will follow.
Zerlina McKinney